Ch. 43 The Flock

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Wrapping his hand around the male's throat, Azrael slammed him onto the ground with a deep growl.

"Get up!" Melisande shouted from where she stood on the sidelines.

"No way!" Akhil shouted back at her, staying where he was on the ground. His twin laughed loudly from where he stood beside Melisande and others who were watching joined.

"You little shit!" Melisande shouted, spinning away and storming off back to the house.

Akhil scrambled up off the ground and rushed after his upset mate.

Azrael turned to the others who weren't training and raised a brow. They all turned away from him and pretended to be interested in anything but him.

A pat on his shoulder made him spin around and Liam held his hands up. "Woah, maybe it's time for a break." He suggested, glancing around the yard where most of the pack was training. "No ones going to fight you anyways with your wolf so close to the surface."

Azrael sighed and ran his hand through his damp curls. He knew Liam was right. They've been at it since the early morning. Everyone was getting tired and hungry but he was just getting angrier.

He felt as if their training was futile. None of this mattered if they didn't know their opponent, didn't know who they were up against.

A scent of fresh oranges reached him over the sweat and blood. Azrael breathed in the welcoming scent and turned to meet pale eyes. His wolf calmed in those seconds that he held with his Mate but it didn't last. His anger spiked anew when he took in the male who was walking onto the field with Salem.

Azrael's long strides had him meeting them halfway, his eyes flashing as he growled under his breath at the male. Wrapping an arm around Salem's thin waist, he pulled him against his bare chest possessively and held the male's gaze. Making it known that Salem was his.

Miguel smirked, his brown eyes slowly scanning over Azrael with interest. The action confused the big male and he sputtered.

Salem laughed, having watched everything that happened silently.

"Miguel is going to help you all with training."

"No." Azrael deadpanned.

"I wasn't asking." Salem said, still looking amused. "Miguel knows the Russian personally, had lived with him for many years. Most importantly, he knows how he fights and how he trained his warriors."

"We don't need his help." Azrael said stubbornly.

Salem raised an arched brown, that amused smile still on his full lips. Azrael leaned down to kiss those delectable lips but Salem leaned back, his smile growing. Azrael growled, his wolf becoming angry with his mate's rejection.

"Kiss me." He demanded.

Salem chuckled, "Allow Miguel to help with training." He bargained but Azrael wasn't in the mood.

Leaning in again for a kiss, Azrael's canines extended when Salem stepped out of his arms.

The little male's pretty eyes were alight with his amusement, a wicked little smile on his lips.

Azrael's wolf took the forefront of his mind and stomped towards their little Mate, prepared to put him in his place and remind him who the dominant one is.

"Want to play Puppy?" Salem teased, the excitement clear on his face. Azrael exposed his canines at what his mate called him. Salem responded with a flash of his own sharp little canines.

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