Ch. 6 Arcade

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"Come on dude, who do you keep staring at?" Liam turned around, eyes skipping over Salem to the group of girls behind him. "See something you like? Though I would think you'd be done with high school chicks, we'll be going after college babes soon." Liam turned back around with a brow raised. Roland grunted his agreement with a mouthful of pizza. Azrael shook his head.

Most of the older pups had all come to the arcade that was in the next town over. Their parents had warned them all about the importance of keeping their secret before handing over cash and car keys. Azrael had been watching Salem most of the night. He needed to talk to him, before it was too late and he found out from someone else. It's not that he meant to keep it away from him, at first he didn't want to upset him because he thought he could talk his father out of pushing him to go. The plans were solid now and there was no getting out of it.

Just like always, Salem somehow knew when Azrael was looking at him. He turned around, his smile only growing as their eyes met. Azrael felt his chest tighten uncomfortably. He knew that smile wouldn't be there when he told him. For now though, he smiled back. The pup he was talking to stole his attention by putting his arm around Salem's shoulders and Azrael had to force himself not to growl.

"I think I'm gonna go over Jenna's tonight, she keeps giving me those bedroom eyes." Azrael and Roland laughed at their best friend who waggled his brows. The three joked around and insulted each other, Liam telling an outrageous story about some crazy female he messed with who stalked him. At one point Azrael glanced to the last place he'd spotted Salem only not to see him. His eyes quickly scanned the dark room only lit by neon lights and video games. Not seeing the young teen, he completely ignored what his friend was saying, eyes scanning over the place again.

"Hey guys." Azrael turned towards the soft voice. Salem's small hand landed on his shoulder as he greeted his friends.

"Hey Lemmy!" Liam greeted, scooting over in the booth to make room for him. Salem rolled his eyes at the nickname, the gesture he'd picked up from Melisande.

"I thought we agreed not to call me that." He pouted, his bottom lip poking out slightly. His lush lips taunted Azrael and the male shook his head as if shaking away his thoughts.

"It stuck. Having fun with the pups?" Liam teased.

"Technically, you're still a pup yourself, you aren't that much older than me." The last part he said glancing up at Azrael.

"Sure, Kid." Liam taunted.

"Whatever. Wanna play a game, Azrael?" The way he said his name made his fist clench under the table. It was becoming harder not to do what his wolf dearly wanted to. Azrael nodded along, being rewarded with a blinding smile.

The two played various games, Azrael letting Salem win until the boy called him out on it and Azrael gave in to his pleading to play fair. He was sure whatever Salem asked him for, he'd give. He'd become a total pushover. Their playful banter and easy conversations continued until Azrael couldn't hold it in anymore.

"I'm leaving for school in a few weeks." Salem turned away from the game he was playing, his character quickly dying. It was almost comical how much taller Azrael was to the boy, his head barely reached his chest and he had to tilt his head back to meet his eyes.

"You're leaving?" The smile he'd worn the whole night was slipping and Azrael felt like shit. He moved them from in front of the game and into a darkened corner. "For how long?"

"Well, Until I graduate. Four years." The smile was gone completely. They stood in silence for awhile, Salem's pretty eyes blinking up at him sadly. "I'll visit on major holidays and you can always call me." He reassured.

"But, I don't want you to go." Didn't he mention having a hard time denying him anything? Azrael would have gladly stayed home for however long Salem wanted but it was out of his control.

"I have to. Dad won't step down if I don't go to college first. And then when I come into my full power, I'll have to leave the pack because there can't be two alphas."

"That's not fair!" Azrael couldn't help but smirk as Salem crossed his arms and pouted. He had come a long way from that trembling frightened boy he'd first met. Azrael had to bend his knees so they'd be face to face, Salem's citrus and jasmine scent assailing him. Azrael growled lowly, his nose trailing up the boy's neck as he greedily breathed in his scent. Salem gasped, gripping his shoulders.

Azrael had the boy caged in with his arms, Salem's back arched so their chests made contact.

"Salem." It sounded like a warning but the boy just gripped him tighter and took the risk of kissing him. It was really just a ghosting of lips, unsure and hesitant. It wasn't enough for Azrael's wolf  and so he tilted the boy's head back for a proper kiss. His lips pressing against the younger boy's gently, leading him in a age long dance. It was soft and sweet, like Salem. At least until Salem gasped against his lips for air and Azrael's tongue swept in, claiming the boy's mouth. This kiss was hotter, rougher, filled with a passion they were both feeding each other. Azrael's arms snaked around the boy's small waist and lifted him, pressing his back to the wall. Salem was moaning softly, his hips grinding into Azrael's hard stomach.

The two broke apart for much needed air, Salem's hips never stopping. His boy was whimpering with need and his wolf was pushing him to take care of him.

"We shouldn't be doing this, you're only fourteen." He knew male wolves were doing a lot worse at fourteen after they'd had their first shift, but this was Salem, his sweet Salem with his big innocent eyes and soft face.

"You're only seventeen, that's not much older." He replied breathily, his hands running through Azrael's short curls. Azrael growled and kissed him possessively, biting on his full bottom lip and exploring his mouth.

"No," Azrael tore his mouth away knowing this wasn't right, no matter how good it felt, only for Salem's head to fall back with a barely contained cry. Azrael watched in amazement as Salem came apart in his arms, his hips jerking erratically as he brought himself to a climax. The smell of his release reached Azrael and he bit down on the boy's neck, stopping himself before he broke flesh but hard enough to bruise his tan skin. Salem shook in his arms when he was finished and Azrael pulled back to meet his glazed pale eyes.

"Sorry." Salem blushed cutely and bit on his now kiss swollen bottom lip. The glittery blue hair clip Salem used to hold back his hair had come loose and Azrael fixed it for him, unable to resist pecking his lips once more when he finished.

"You should probably go clean up before that dries." Salem nodded, a blush reddening his cheeks. Azrael let the boy slide down his body and groaned when he pressed against his own arousal. Salem giggled and looked down right pleased that he had that effect on him. Azrael growled half heartedly, only causing him to giggle more before he rushed off to find the bathroom.

Azrael fixed himself in his jeans so it wouldn't be so noticeable. Not that any Wolf would care but he was around Humans too and they were prudes. Azrael knew his mistake once he joined his best friends again at the table. Liam and Roland looked up at him with wide eyed shock as he dropped down in his seat.

"Dude," Liam hesitated and lowered his voice. "Why do you smell like Salem and sex?" Roland grunted, the only reaction most would get from the big guy.

"Shut up." He ran his fingers through his hair and sighed. Liam was not one to give up so easily, a trait he liked about his friend, but not right now.

"You didn't." Liam looked scandalized as he leaned in closer and openly sniffed at Azrael. "You did." Liam laughed and sat back in the booth. "Well, more ladies for me I guess, who knows what this dog likes." The big male slapped the back of Liam's head. "Luna! Can you not take a joke, Ro?" He grumbled, rubbing his head. Roland and Azrael chuckled, Azrael's eyes following Salem as he exited the bathroom and made way back to his friends. Azrael watched as Melisande's sensitive nose caught up with Salem, her mouth opening dumbly before her eyes met her brother's. Thankfully the other pups either didn't know what they were smelling or didn't even notice. Melisande would no doubt be bombarding Salem with questions.

Azrael didn't know what to think about what had just transpired but he knew it couldn't happen again. No matter how much he enjoyed it.

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