Ch. 29 Nox

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Azrael wiped away the blood that was dripping into his eye. One of the warriors had nicked him with her claws and he was debating going to the clinic or going to find Salem. He felt when he'd gotten home, the bond connecting the two didn't feel so strained anymore with them being closer. It had distracted him and given his opponent the perfect opportunity.

The cut hadn't stopped bleeding so he decided to get it over with and stopped by the clinic. He ended up being there for longer than he planned because his mother found him and decided to go over his schedule for the week, all while he got stitches.

The Red Rock Alphas would be returning home by the end of the week, their sons still had to choose to return with them or join the pack. Azrael knew they'd be staying because there was no way Melisande would leave.

Azrael had been busy learning the inner pack dealings with his father and taking over some of the Alphas duties. His father was trying to ease him into the role and letting others get use to the idea of Azrael being Alpha. There was nothing Azrael hated more than paperwork and it seemed like that's all he's been doing lately. Aside from training with the Warriors and teaching some of the things he learned during his years away, he's been cooped up in his father's study.

"And my mating ceremony?" Azrael asked once the healer finished up and told him the stitches would dissolve on their own.

"Oh, that won't be happening anymore." His mother waved away the question and tapped away at her iPad. Azrael's brows furrowed and he ignored the slight pain.

"Why? All Alphas have one." His mother sighed and finally looked up at him.

"Truthfully Azrael? We think it could cause problems amongst other packs. We can't invite Alphas here and they find offense that you've mated a male." Azrael's nose flared in anger as he stood from his seat.

"Fuck other Alphas. We have no choice in who our mates are, so what if he's a male. If someone has a problem they can shove it up their ass." He growled, feeling his wolf getting worked up over the insult towards their Mate.

"Watch your tone with me." She warned. "You know we love Salem like he's our own and who am I to question the Goddess?" She started walking and Azrael followed. "But that's not how others will see it. They won't believe you're fit for the task. You'll have no heir of your own blood and that makes your hold on the title weak. It will be a mistake to flaunt it." Azrael stopped and let his mother walk ahead. There was truth to her words but she was talking about his Mate. He wanted to shout it to the world that the Goddess had created him for Salem. He'd spent long enough hiding from it, four years to be exact.

He's accepted it. Everyone else should too.

Azrael found Salem in his room with a black fur ball on his chest. He stood in the doorway and watched a smile light up his Mate's face.

"What is that?" He questioned, stepping into the room and shutting the door behind him. A small head popped up and Azrael's eyes widened as he looked at the kitten.

"My child." Salem cooed, petting the thing. Azrael sputtered.

"You can't have a cat in a house full of wolves!"

"Shh! Don't say such things around him." He hissed with his hands over the kitten's ears. Salem bounced up off the bed with the fur ball and handed it over to him. Azrael held the kitten in one of his hands. He had to admit, it was cute. It mewled until he started petting it and the sounds turned to purring. "Look, I got him a little blue collar with a bell so we can find him." Salem held up the glittery light blue collar that matched the kitten's eyes. It had a matching leash that Azrael knew would never be used. Salem dumped a bag full of toys on the bed.

"Where did you even get the cat from? I hope you and Mel didn't steal it from some old lady." Salem scoffed and held up some feathery contraption that the kitten swung its paw at.

"No, I found him and he's mine." Salem beamed. "He's named, Nox." Azrael knew there was no getting rid of it now, Salem had obviously grown attached. He didn't mind it if the thing kept Salem smiling like that. Although he would of preferred a puppy. Maybe one day. Salem smiled as the kitten, Nox, rubbed up against Azrael's chest.

"He likes you, you're his daddy." Azrael's loud laughter caused the kitten to jump onto Salem who instantly cuddled him close. Azrael couldn't help the instant jealousy his wolf felt towards the kitten and he scolded himself for it. "Did daddy scare you?" Salem cooed, dropping down on his bed and letting the kitten pounce on the toys. Salem looked up at him with a sly smirk that had Azrael lowering himself over his Mate for a slow, steamy kiss.

He let himself forget about his mother's views about a mating ceremony and lost himself in the touch of his Mate.

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