Ch. 4 Swimming

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Azrael watched Salem kick his legs in the pool. He's been watching him for a while now and the younger teen still hasn't risked jumping in. Pups swam around, playing and laughing, getting yelled at by their parents not to run by the pool. Azrael sat in the shade of the trees, his large head resting on his front paws. His boy smelled like the sunblock Azrael's mother had lathered on him, worried about his sensitive Human skin burning. Azrael didn't like that his scent was covered. He'd become addicted to it over the weeks, liking it even more when his own was mixed with it.

School had let out for summer and his parents had thrown a barbecue for all those who graduated in his class. The older pups sat at the tables talking and joking around, exactly where he'd be if he wasn't busy arguing with himself.

Whatever it was that his wolf felt for the boy, he needed to put an end to it. It wasn't right. Salem was just a kid. Well not so much a kid, only four years younger, but still too young. Not to mention he's a boy, Azrael had only ever felt attracted to females and the way his wolf made him feel around Salem confused him.

As if knowing he was thinking about him, Salem glanced up from where he'd been looking at the water. Those beautiful pale eyes locked on him and instead of seeing the fear the boy felt around others in their wolf form, the boy smiled.

Azrael's heart clenched at the sight and he slowly got up.

Salem waved and Azrael made up his mind. He trotted out of the woods but slowed down when he got closer, making sure not to scare the boy. He lowered himself to the ground until he was basically crawling on his stomach until he pressed his wet nose against Salem's hand. The boy giggled softly and without any hesitation or fear, rubbed behind Azrael's ears.

He leaned into his touch, a content growl that resembled a purr vibrated his chest.

"Your wolf is so pretty." Salem cooed and inched closer until he was hugging the wolf around the neck. Azrael would have disagreed with being called pretty if his wolf hadn't been so satisfied that his boy wasn't scared of him. "You're huge." Azrael snorted and rubbed his head against the boy's making him laugh. Azrael still wasn't fully grown, in a few years he'll reach full maturity.

Salem's hair had grown past his shoulders and he'd stolen some of Melisande's hair pens to keep it out of his face. Azrael couldn't help but to think he looked cute. He jerked his head towards the pool, indicating for him to get in.

"Oh, no, I'm not getting in the pool." Salem said with a shrug, his fingers still buried in his fur. Azrael chirped playfully and indicated to the pool again. "I can't swim." Salem admitted in a whisper, his warm breath tickling his ear. Azrael couldn't have that. He shifted quickly and smoothly, Salem's arms still around his neck. Not giving the boy a chance to pull back, he wrapped his arms around his waist and jumped in the pool.

They came up together, Salem clinging to him and his frightened gasps quickly turning into soft laughter that brushed across Azrael's cheek. The others cheered and laughed, happy that he'd finally gotten the boy into the pool.

"See, that wasn't so bad." Azrael teased but Salem still clung to him, his legs wrapped tightly around his torso and his arms around his neck. The others went back to what they were doing and Azrael continued floating, letting Salem hold onto him until he was comfortable.

Azrael felt the change in the Human immediately, felt Salem's arms and legs tightened around him as he pressed himself closer and his breathing became shallow. Even with the sunblock covering most of his scent, he smelt it become heavier and sweeter. His wolf howled to answer that change, wanting to take control. When Azrael felt Salem harden in his swim trunks a involuntary growl came forth, making Salem freeze in his mindless and inexperienced gyrating.

Salem pulled back, face red and avoiding eye contact. Azrael didn't let go of him and stared at the boy until those pale eyes met his. Azrael smirked, his lips brushing across his cheek.

"Do you want to learn how to swim or keep humping me like a newly shifted pup." He said lowly against his ear. Salem gasped, his full pink lips parting enticingly. Azrael cleared his throat, pushing back his wolf and it's feelings for the boy.

"Swimming." Salem croaked and Azrael chuckled breathlessly.

"Swimming it is." He let go of the boy's waist and held his hands to keep him above water. In no time Salem was swimming on his own, even if he didn't stray far from the walls so he could have something to grab onto. Azrael watched him with pride, as they joined the others in playing and roughhousing. Melisande returned with a beach ball that everyone fought over and eventually Salem claimed a float that he felt more confident with.

It wasn't long after when his mother was calling everyone to come eat. It was when he was helping Salem out of the pool when he noticed he was still naked after shifting. It was no big deal to him or any of the other Wolves who spent most of their time naked. Azrael reached down for Salem's hand and pulled him up, the boy gasped and Azrael looked down worried that he gripped him too hard. Salem froze face to face with his groin, those pink lips parted and pale eyes glazed over. Azrael quickly pulled him the rest of the way out of the pool before his body had time to react to the boys heated gaze.

Things really couldn't continue like this.

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