Ch. 23 Answers

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Azrael was in the middle of playing with his food when Melisande's voice crowded his mind. He could tell she was angry and upset about something. He quickly excused himself from the table, earning a glare from his mother that he ignored. Melisande was waiting for him in the back yard with one of their pack mate's The male carried a laptop bag and looked nervous.

"What is it Mel?" He didn't want to leave the house. Salem was in there and currently unable to protect himself.

"Answers." She growled out. Azrael still didn't know where she'd been for the two days Salem has been unconscious but if she claimed to have answers that could possibly help him...

Melisande took off into the woods with the male following her. Azrael growled and looked back at the house before running after them.

They didn't go far. Pasha's brother, Viktor, stood with a crying boy. Azrael came to a halt, looking from the Human to his sister. She'd clearly gone mad, to expose themselves to a Human and have him out here in the woods.

"Mel, what are you doing with him?" He glanced around, the only sound was the water from the creak and the Human's cries. The forest was quiet, too quiet and he didn't like it.

"The Witch, Stanley Borg, has a little brother. Meet Oliver Borg, born Human and hidden from his Coven that kills the faulty ones like him." She growled in the Humans face, making the small boy squeak and cry out.

"If he was hidden, how'd you find him?" Azrael looked over the Human who looked to be in his mid-teens. His hair was a light brown and he looked average, like most Humans. It was rare for a Human to be born to supernatural parents but it happens and was mostly frowned upon. It wasn't surprising that his coven would want him dead, the superstitious believed they were bad omens.

"Well I have Xzavier of course." Azrael glanced at the male he'd forgotten about who had sat against a tree and pulled out his laptop. "And little Oliver here is going to bring that Witch to me."

"And you dragged him into all this." Azrael pulled at his curls and indicated towards the male keeping the Human from falling to his knees in fright.

"Oh, Viktor has given his life to Salem and I in return for his and his brother's rescue." She waved that off and huffed. "Has he still not moved at all?" Her voice lost the growl and sounded small. Azrael clenched his jaw and shook his head. "Then Stanley better care for his brother or forfeit his life." The Human whimpered and hugged his arms around himself. His cheeks were chubby, like he'd never lost his baby fat, it was clear he was no fighter.

Azrael wasn't so sure about involving an innocent, but if it helped Salem, was there really a choice to be made?

"Are we underestimating him? That other Witch wouldn't even go near Salem, his magic is dark and he must know what he's doing." Azrael moved closer to the Human. "What do you think? Could your brother save you?" It took a few whimpers, but the Human raised his head and swallowed.


Azrael raised a brow and crossed his arms.

"B-but I have n-nothing t-to do with him!" The boy cried. "H-he left a-after..." he trailed off before becoming overwhelmed with sobs. Azrael felt bad for him but he also wanted the information the Human could provide.

The snap of a twig made all of their head turn towards the thicker forest. Azrael's claws extended as a male stepped into the small clearing. His skin was dark and covered in some kind of markings, it was impossible to see them clearly even with a wolf's sight. His eyes are what freaked them out.

"Who are you?" Melisande snapped, irritation clear in her voice.

"Do not fret, young warrior, I have been sent to help the Prince."

Milky white eyes met Azrael's and even though the male appeared blind, he knew he could see him somehow.

"A Seer." Viktor breathed in awe, gaping at the male. Azrael had heard tales from the Elders about Seer's. The Gods take something from them at birth and gifts them with the sight. Wether that be the sight of the past, present, or future depended on the strength of the soul. Azrael had always believed they were just stories to entertain the pups.

"A bite from the fated will break all spells. The Goddess has bestowed me with a vision of what will soon arise, you are all key players to a game started before our time." He stepped closer to Azrael, he held a shaft that looked engraved with runes of some type. His white eyes turned up to the sky as the first rain fell. "Do not be afraid of it, for it is you, Alpha of Alphas." Azrael was frozen in place as was everyone else. The male turned away and walked back towards the trees.

"Wait!" Azrael took a step towards the male. "Who are you?" The male turned with a small smile.

"I'll tell you on the other side." Once he moved deeper into the forest, he was gone.

"What the fuck!" Melisande shouted. Azrael was shaking his head. He didn't have time to think to much on what the male said apart from one thing.

"I have to claim him." He realized. They all met Azrael's eyes before he took off back to the house. Melisande was right behind him.

Liam jumped as they rushed into the private room, soaked from the downpour that had came from nowhere. He quickly moved out of their way, still waking from having dosed off.

"What? What's going on?" He watched as Azrael moved around the bed. Liam was ignored as Azrael pulled Salem up, brushing his long hair away from his neck. 

"Please work." He pleaded, silently praying to the Goddess that it did. Azrael looked over Salem's flawless face as his canines descended.

With one last prayer, he bit into his Mate.

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