Ch. 38 Forgiven

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The lock clicked and Salem looked up at his Mate who stalked towards him. His honey eyes glowed, his wolf was out to play. Salem never got to play with him before and he shivered with excitement.

Azrael crowded him until he fell back onto the bed where he knelt and started removing his boots for him. Salem rested on his elbows, watching his mate work quickly. When his boots were gone, Azrael climbed over Salem and pressed him flat on his back as their lips connected.

Salem nipped at his lip, eliciting a growl from the bigger male.

When their lips disconnected and Azrael pulled back, Salem was confused but his eyes didn't leave the golden ones.

"My Human is a fool."

The sound of his deep voice made Salem shiver and he had to concentrate to understand what he was saying. It was hard, mostly because he was hard and wanted to play, not talk. However, the look in Azrael's eyes was serious and so Salem listened.

"I should have never allowed myself to leave you, I knew you were mine the moment I laid eyes on you." Azrael leaned down, his canines nipping at the mark on Salem's neck. Salem whimpered, his eyes shut tightly as he tried to keep himself from attacking the bigger male. "My Human was in denial but I always knew. I let that cloud his mind and he push you away. I could never explain how sorry I am."

Salem had opened his eyes but Azrael tucked his head in the crease of his neck. Rubbing a hand over his Mate's soft curls, he waited for Azrael to go on. He hadn't expected things to turn so serious but he knew this was something weighing heavily on Azrael's Wolf.

"It was a lie." He confessed, nuzzling Salem's neck. "What he said, over the phone. We didn't do it, we weren't with anyone. Male or female. I wouldn't allow it."

Salem tried to ignore the tears slipping down his temples and into his hair. Wrapping his arms around his Mate, he held onto him tightly. It was impossible for Salem to forget the first and last time he'd talked to a Azrael while he was away. He had been so excited and nervous, wanting to know everything Azrael had done and seen. He'd been working so hard for him, it was childish, how he wanted to be strong for Azrael. He wanted to be someone he could be proud of, someone who could help him take care of the pack. Azrael had been sure to rob him of that hope when he told him he wasn't gay, he could never be. Salem's heart had broke when Azrael told him he'd been with another male, how he needed proof.

"I'm so sorry." Azrael's voice wasn't as deep anymore and when he pulled back his eyes were their regular amber. It seems his wolf had said all he needed to. Azrael wiped away the tears running into Salem's hair, ignoring his own that lined his eyes.

Not knowing what to say, Salem pressed his lips to Azrael's, pulling the bigger male down onto him. The weight wasn't too much, instead it was comforting but Azrael still put most of it on his arms on either side of Salem. They kissed slowly, Azrael letting Salem lead the kiss by parting his lips and giving him access. Their cheeks were wet but Salem didn't know if it was his tears or Azrael's, probably both.

When they parted to breathe, neither one of them pulled back so their lips would stay connected.

"I forgive you." Salem said softly, pecking his Mate's lips before trapping the bottom one between his teeth. There was a shift when Azrael growled. The soft emotional moment was over with and they both accepted it.

Azrael sat up and pulled Salem with him, their lips finding each other again but this time in a rough fevered kiss. A bridge had been crossed and there was no going back. The rip of fabric finalized it.

Salem pulled away breathing heavily, his lips sore. Looking up at Azrael, he could see past the human features to the beast that lay within. Something about the aggressive way his Mate tore his shirt from his body, it made him burn with need.

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