Ch. 24 The Twins

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Melisande watched with wide eyes as her brother sunk his canines into the soft skin in the crease of Salem's neck. The bite would turn him if it didn't kill him first, while also completing half of the Mating.

Azrael groaned in pleasure as blood ran down the Human's chest and the machine beside the bed started beeping like crazy along with Salem's heart.

All was silent as they watched Azrael pull away and gently lay Salem back on the bed, his mouth covered with the human's blood. The scent of it made Melisande's wolf itch to be freed. Liam's jaw was hanging loose, his eyes as wide as Melisande's. Healers rushed into the room along with her parents and Roland. Pasha slipped in behind them and moved to stand beside Melisande.

Salem was still, his eyes closed. It was clear Azrael was becoming agitated, thinking they had been lied to.

For a moment, Melisande thought she was seeing things.

Salem's skin seemed to become smoother, his lips redder. When his eyes slanted and the others gasped, she knew that what she was seeing was real. His features seems to melt into something else, something wilder.

Salem bolted up in the bed, making them all jump back. His eyes, they, they were glowing. They were so bright that she had to look away.

Azrael was brushing his hair out of his face, holding his face between his large hands.

Pasha gripped her hand so tightly that it was painful but her attention was on her best friend who was breathing harshly, his eyes wild as they looked around frantically. The glow had faded but his irises were paler than they'd once been, a shade or two darker than the whites of his eyes.

Azrael moved onto the bed so he was in front of Salem, blocking him from the others.

"Get out." The growl was a command that they couldn't ignore. Her father shut the door when they were all out and Melisande was shaking, unable to control it.

"He is most definitely, not, Human." She voiced the words everyone was thinking.

"Azrael marked him." Her mother said and Melisande scoffed. That was the least shocking thing she'd seen tonight.

A scent reached her, like sandalwood and something herbal that made her mouth water. Her wolf pressed against her skin just as the clinic doors banged open and Melisande was surrounded by two large males who crowded her until her back was pressed against the cold wall.

"Her hair,"

"So beautiful."



Melisande cursed under her breath as identical twins pressed against her, making her wolf howl, knowing immediately who the they are to her.

"We'll care for you,"

"Protect you,"

"Cherish you,"

"Love you."

"Shut up!" She snapped, both instantly silencing. She took a breath but all that did was assault her with their scent, making her feel unsteady on her feet. "What you're gonna do is back up." She shoved them away, her hands lingering on their chest. Okay, so not good. Oh who was she kidding? Their dark brown eyes bore into her, their excitement visible. And she thought her day couldn't get any crazier.

Liam was bent over laughing and her parents were watching in shock. The Goddess had to be fucking with her. Melisande didn't want one Mate and the bitch gave her two. Although they did smell rather good and her wolf was panting in joy.

"I am Akhil," the male smiled beautifully.

"And I, Nikhil." His smile was just as beautiful.

"The Goddess has blessed us."

"What are you called?"

She huffed and stomped her foot.

"I'll tell you if you shut him up!" She pointed at a laughing Liam, the males instantly turning towards him.

It was Nikhil who did the deed as Akhil stood guard in front of her. Liam was still laughing when the male knocked him out with a single punch. She felt pride bloom in her chest.

"Akhil!" A female shouted. Melisande growled at her and bared her canines.

"That's Nikhil. Good boy." She told him as the twins crowded her again. Their smug smiles made her face warm with a blush.

"Have we earned,"

"Your name?" Melisande shivered.

", it's Melisande but I like Mel."

"So beautiful." Akhil purred, making her breath catch. She started muttering nonsense as they sniffed at her and ran their noses up her neck.

Just when she thought her day couldn't possibly get any weirder, Viktor walked in with that baby faced Human she'd kidnapped from his apartment. She wasn't really paying much attention because she did have two males making her senses go crazy, but she did see Roland all but attack the poor boy.

"Too much is going on." Pasha was holding his head, clearly overwhelmed.

"Who is that?" Her mother asked. Melisande was too busy running her hands over the males firm chests, kinda liking the attention she was getting. She wanted to take them to her room and fill it with their scent. That could be fun.

"I-it's getting crowded in here, lets go." They were more than eager. "Gods, I hope you show some kind of skill in battle."

"Our mate has a lust for blood." Akhil spoke to his twin over her head.

"We can work with that." Nikhil's lips pulled up in a slow smirk. She had to stop herself from drooling.

"Lets go. Now."

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