Ch. 45 Equal

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Melisande watched Salem and her brother with narrowed eyes, trying to figure out what was going on. Something was different and it wasn't a good different.

They stood too far apart, Azrael made no attempt of contact. It was strange. She had once thought they were too touchy. Now she worried that they weren't leaning all over each other.

"We wanted to talk to you all at once, seeing as it with effect all of you." The Madam Alpha spoke up from where she sat behind the desk, the Alpha stood behind her with a hand on her shoulder.

Melisande rolled her eyes at her parents. Her own Mates stood slightly behind her like sentinels, always on the look out for any danger. Truthfully, they were really prepared to stop Melisande from being the danger and causing trouble. She couldn't help but to roll her eyes again.

Liam snickered beside her, as if knowing her thoughts. She bared her blunt teeth and snarled at him, only causing the male to cough in an attempt to cover his laughter.

"In truth, none of us have any idea the extent of trouble that's coming. No one really knows what the Key unlocks." Salem shifted, as if preparing to say something but the Madam Alpha continued. "We believe it would be unwise to proceed with the passing of power in such a time. The pack needs stability and it will be everything but stable with a new Alpha pair and top ranking Wolves."

Everyone was silent as they let her words sink in. Melisande didn't know what to say, she expected Azrael to protest but to her surprise he stood unmoving. As if unfazed by such news.

"What's unwise, is you withholding my Mate of his birth right." Salem spoke up, surprising everyone further. Most of all, Azrael. His head snapped towards the little male, his eyes holding all of his unasked questions. "You've done so long enough, don't you think?"

"We are only thinking of our pack, our family. No one is ready for the merging and it shouldn't be done with a war on the horizon." The Alpha spoke, his eyes on Azrael's.

Melisande was surprised by the blatant disrespect towards Salem as he was disregarded. Most of all, she was confused. Confused by her parents behavior towards the little male they had taken in as their own.

"You have no heir, if you were to die the power would die with you. There would never be another Alpha born to this pack and it too would die."

"So that's what this is about." Salem snapped. His pale eyes beginning to glow that ominous white light as shadows crowded around his boots. "And how do you propose he has a heir?"

Melisande looked around at everyone in the office, unsure what to do. They seemed just as lost.

"There are many willing females..." the Madam Alpha trailed off, looking to Azrael.

"It's almost impossible for unmated wolves to birth pups." Melisande finally spoke up.

"It can be done, it's not uncommon." The Alpha said.

"This is bullshit." Melisande growled, feeling her Mates inch closer as if preparing to stop her from attacking. She growled at them too. Her parents are true mates, they should understand such a bond.

"No offense Alphas, but I agree with Mel." Liam sighed, as if hating the very fact.


Azrael was cut off by a loud rumbling that grew louder until everything around them was shaking.

The twins pulled her between them, looking around as if something was going to come flying through the walls. It didn't last long, only a few minutes before everything settled and the rumbling was a distant sound.

"Earthquake." Roland stated gruffly from where he stood in the corner with his small Human clinging to him.

"No," Salem said. He stood closer to Azrael, those shadows crawling up the wall behind him. "The Key has been used."

They stood in silence, unsure of what to do or say.

"We need to get the pack together." The Alpha decided.

Liam pulled open the curtains to see outside. Everything looked the same, although some pack members were outside looking around.

Melisande heard her father's order for everyone to meet at the pack house through the link.

"What the fuck is that?" Liam spoke up, his eyes squinting as he continued staring out the window.

Everyone turned to look. Melisande was about to complain that there was nothing until she seen the flicker of iridescent light. A wall of it was coming towards them. She stumbled back, bumping into Nikhil's chest.

It brushed over Liam first before the rest of them. It happened almost immediately. The results weren't pretty and it was painful as they were forced to shift against their will. Throughout the house screaming could be heard as every wolf experienced it.

No matter how much she accepted the forced shift, she felt every bone snap and rearrange themselves as if it was her first shift. Unwanted tears slipped down her half shifted muzzle before fur tore through every pore.

When it finished, she laid between her Mates panting. They were all in similar positions, everyone but Salem and the crying human. Melisande's eyes looked up at Salem, his pale eyes glowing a bright white as black tendrils coiled around him like serpents. He looked spaced out, unmoving as he stared straight ahead.

The Alpha howled, so loud that the windows shook. Similar howls echoed his and they had no choice but to do the same in answer to their Alpha.

It seemed to break Salem out of his spell. He blinked and red tears slipped down his cheeks.

Melisande inched away, frightened by the sight. She could feel it, the power radiating off him. He was stronger than they had thought. He wasn't of this world.

She tried to shift back but the pain made her whimper.

Azrael stood and shook out his fur, his own eyes suspiciously glowing a soft gold. He was equal to Salem, their power almost suffocating.

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