Ch. 27 Fun Games

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"You suck at this." Salem groaned, tossing his remaining card down that skipped Azrael's turn. Azrael growled and tossed down his handful of cards.

"It's stupid, I don't like it." Azrael said grumpily.

The little male rolled his eyes and collected all the Uno cards and put them back in their box. Salem was right, he really did suck at the game. He lost all six rounds.

Azrael laid back on Salem's bed. His room was a colorful mess, his sheets silky reds and purples and tons of colorful pillows that he'd tossed on the floor. Candles were on every available surface, left unlit for now with the gossamer curtains letting in the sunlight. Azrael wondered if that was safe, what if something in the cluttered room caught fire?

They'd all been sent to their rooms when Melisande's Mates ratted her out to their parents about what she'd done. It was expected but Melisande still threw a fit and locked them out of her room when their own parents found out. Azrael wondered what her punishment will be for kidnapping a Human. Salem would have been punished if anyone knew what he did. Azrael had asked him about it and the little male had tried to explain that it just felt natural.

"What should we do now? I can paint your nails." Salem smiled, his new canines looking threatening but also making Azrael wonder how it'd feel to have the male bite him. Azrael frowned at his words while rolling over and capturing his Mate, laying half over him.

"I'm sure we can figure something out." Azrael smirked against Salem's ear before tracing the pointed shell with his tongue. Salem moaned loudly, his hands fisting Azrael's shirt. He wasn't expecting such a strong reaction but it went straight to his groin. He continued teasing Salem's sensitive ear and let his hand slip under the male's shirt, feeling up his smooth stomach.

"We, we should..." Salem trailed off as another moan slipped through his red lips. Azrael captured Salem's bottom lip between his teeth before claiming his mouth in a rough kiss. Salem's arms wrapped around his neck as he pulled Azrael down closer. It had been years since he'd felt Salem like this and Azrael didn't think it could get any better. The little male was still as eager as ever and was already pressing his hard member against Azrael's hip. He laughed softly against his Mate's lips.

Salem let out something between a hiss and a growl before effortlessly pushing Azrael onto his back. The little male crawled over him, straddling his hips and looking down at him with a smug smirk.

"Well, you've got me. Now what are you going to do to me?" Azrael slid his hands up Salem's thighs before the male gripped his wrist and pressed them to the bed. His pale eyes seemed to be glowing softly as he let go of his wrist and started pushing up Azrael's shirt. He helped him out by pulling his shirt off and tossing it somewhere to the side.

Salem was grinning like he'd just won a prize and his hands were all over Azrael. He groaned when Salem's palm brushed over his nipple, drawing Salem's attention to them and focusing his assault there before leaning down and reattaching their lips. Azrael had to grip the little male's hips to keep him from rocking against his length. If he continued that, Azrael didn't think they'd get any further. They broke apart when Salem pinched his nipples, making him groan. Salem just giggled and moved his kisses to his jaw and neck.

"I thought I'd be scared, to kiss you, after what I did." Salem whispered, his hands sliding over Azrael's defined abs and down to his jeans. Azrael pulled Salem's face away from his neck to see those pretty pale eyes.

"I'm glad you're not. I trust you." That seemed to be the right thing to say because Salem wiggled down so he was straddling his thighs and popped Azrael's jean buttons open. He was impatient and didn't even take the time to get Azrael's jeans off. He just pulled them down far enough to release his raging member. Azrael watched Salem's face to make sure he was comfortable with what he was doing.

"I always wondered what it'd look like hard." He giggled like a manic before gripping it tightly in both his hands. Azrael ground his teeth together and let his head fall back against the bed. Salem's hands slid from base to tip a few times before he leaned down and let spit drip from his mouth. He added a twist that had Azrael thrusting up into his hands. "Like that?" Salem purred in that low, smooth voice that had his skin tingling and his wolf panting.

"Fuck," was all Azrael could get out before he felt the warm wet muscle flicking over the tip. He lifted his head to meet the pale eyes already looking up at him. Azrael held himself up on his elbows so he could watch his mate lick over every inch of his member before taking him into his mouth. Azrael moaned and Salem hummed in answer, the vibrations only adding more pleasure.

Salem took his time getting accustomed to him. He could only get half in his mouth without gagging but he seemed determined and either way, Azrael was enjoying himself. He didn't know if it was the best blow job he'd ever gotten or if it was just the best because it was his Mate giving it to him. Salem was humming and mewling as if he was the one on the receiving end.

"Salem," Azrael groaned, thrusting into the wet warmth. "I'm 'bout to, I'm..." Salem hummed and met his eyes when Azrael looked at him. His eyes were filled with tears and his red lips were wrapped around him, so eager. Azrael was trying to hold off, to enjoy this for longer but just the look in his Mate's eyes was enough to send him over the edge. Salem flinched when he shot into his mouth but didn't pull away and kept his eyes on Azrael's the whole time. Azrael fell back against the bed, spent and enjoying the after glow of his orgasm.

Salem crawled up him and smiled widely. "How was that?" His pale eyes sparkled with tears and affection. Azrael growled and sat up to meet his lips roughly. His tongue dominated his mate who tasted like him.

"Fuck, Salem." He didn't have words to express how he felt, so he kissed him again. "Your turn." He flipped so Salem was below him once again. A red blush spread across his face as he bit down on his bottom lip.

"Oh, there's no need." He said shyly, looking up at Azrael from under his long lashes. Azrael's brows raised in surprise.

"Really?" The thought of his Mate getting off from pleasuring him was making his spent member twitch. Salem nodded and covered his face with his hands. Azrael was smiling like a doof. "That's hot." He growled out, making Salem groan and roll away from under him. Azrael laughed and let his embarrassed Mate go so he could pull his jeans back up.

Azrael would have cuddled up beside Salem if someone didn't start banging on the door. Salem laughed at his glare before giving him a chaste kiss that Azrael would have deepened if the little male didn't pull away and toss him his shirt. Salem opened the door to a angry Melisande.

Azrael got out of there before he had to listen to her rant about her traitorous mates. Again.

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