Ch. 22 Welcoming Red Rock

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"Go clean yourself up, the Red Rock Alphas will be here any minute now." Azrael ignored his mother and continued staring at Salem. He looked like he was sleeping comfortably but there was no way to tell if that Witch had done something and he was silently in pain or dying. That's what scared him the most and there was nothing he could do. The last thing he wanted to think about was the arriving Alphas when Salem was like this.

The Witch from the neighboring pack had arrived in the early morning two days ago as planned and walked into the clinic before mumbling protection spells and declaring that she wasn't getting anywhere near him. She proclaimed that the magic was the like of something far worse than Dark magic and there was nothing she could do even if she wanted to. She'd ran out of the pack house after advising his parents to kill the Human and cleanse the house. Azrael would have killed the Witch if his father hadn't told him to stand down.

"Do I have to make that an order?" His mother growled out when it became clear he wasn't moving.

Pasha froze in the doorway and lowered his head in respect for the Madam Alpha.

"I brought some clothes, I knew you wouldn't want to go far." He spoke lowly, seeming afraid that if he spoke any louder something would happen to the Human. Azrael nodded his thanks to the small wolf and stood up to take the clothes. Pasha hurried out of the room and his mother sighed.

"Azrael, I know you're worried, we all are and your father is trying to find help but we can't push aside our duties. When I return you better be presentable." The door clicked shut behind her and he moved back to his chair beside the bed. His hand completely covered Salem's small hand that wasn't soft like he remembered it to be but instead callused like his own.

He hadn't slept and his wolf was on edge. Azrael hadn't even seen the Witch when he'd gotten to Salem and he was afraid he'd do it again. How could he stop a force that wasn't even there? More importantly, why had he done it? Why go for the Human when he could have gone for him? He's an Alpha's heir. Why just put Salem in this deep sleep? Why not kill him while he had the chance?

Azrael brushed his lips against Salem's soft cheek, lingering as he breathed in his scent.

"We'll find a way to wake you up." He promised before pulling away and going into the adjoining bathroom. He left the door open, scared something could happen and he wouldn't be able to hear.

He hadn't seen Melisande since she ran out but Pasha had said she's helping in her own way. Whatever that means. His sister was probably looking for someone to kill.

His shower was rushed and once he was dressed he was back in his seat beside Salem, who hadn't moved a muscle. Azrael would have been afraid he was dead if it wasn't for the steady beep on the heart monitor. The healers had talked about feeding him nutrients through a feeding tube if he still hadn't woken by night. They were treating him as a coma patient since there was nothing else they could do. There was already an IV in his arm keeping him hydrated. The sight of it made his wolf whine.

When his mother came back to get him, he left Liam watching over Salem reluctantly. The male had nodded to him, a silent promise to protect him with his life. He will be a good Second, loyal through and through. Roland silently followed him standing to the left, the place of an Enforcer.

Azrael stood with his parents as sleek silver cars drove down the gravel drive, pulling up to the pack house. All Azrael could think of was the small smirk on Salem's face as he talked about a book he'd read before he'd just...passed out. Azrael hadn't known what happened or what to do.

Greetings were made between the Red Rock Alphas. The jewels the Madam Alpha wore reminded him of Salem and his love for sparkly things. They were slender and lean, fit for the desserts they were from. He already met Mirai in California, both going to school and staying at his uncles pack house. Apparently it was planned by their parents for them to get to know each other. He liked the female, as a friend. She reminded him of his sister in a less snappy way. It was in the way she held herself as a warrior and how at first she'd held a grudge against him because of their parents plans for them. Once they both learned that neither of them wanted to imprint on the other, they'd become fast friends.

Nira was the youngest, only fifteen. The young female didn't look higher then his chest and talked softly, hiding behind her thick hair. Their oldest son, the heir, stayed with the pack. It was the smart thing to do if the Alphas were killed while away, the power would be passed to him. The biggest of them all were the twins. They were almost as tall as him and just as muscular. They made him feel uneasy. When one spoke, the other finished his sentences like they were two of the same. The only way they could be told apart was the scar cutting through Nikhil's top lip and Akhil smiled.

Azrael spoke when he was expected to and glared at the guards who stared at him. They looked as uncomfortable as he felt. It was always hard having another pack on their lands. Wolves are territorial.

"You don't always look so grumpy. Seems the idea of imprinting still disgusts you as much as I." Mirai stood beside him, her brown skin glowing with red undertones and her dark hair left in soft wave. She wasn't dressed how she did in school. Her usual jeans and t-shirts were replaced with a bright red dress and sari that draped over her shoulder, the gold beads matched the gold bangles she wore. Her mother and sister were dressed similarly, all of the Alpha family wore the same shade of red. Azrael caught his mother glaring at him in his jeans and plain forest green shirt.

"I'd rather be somewhere else." He grumbled lowly so only she could hear. She snorted and turned towards him, her dark eyes meeting his.

"So then lets go and act like you want me to yourself." She looped her arm in his and Azrael didn't hesitate to lead her inside the house. She looked around as he rushed back to the clinic, dropping her arm and leaving her to follow behind him.

Liam jumped out of his seat when Azrael entered, clearly not expecting him to be back so soon. Azrael ignored him and moved to Salem's side as Liam greeted Mirai loudly, spinning her around.

Azrael leaned over his human and clenched his jaw when he still didn't move. All he wanted was to see his pretty pale eyes again.

"Is this your Salem? What happened? Why do I feel darkness on him?" Mirai moved to the other side of the bed, looking down at the Human. Azrael left Liam to tell her what happened. The two spoke quietly and he ran his thumb over Salem's high cheekbone and sharp jaw. The little Human needed to wake, he was loosing his patience and could feel his wolf fighting for control. "He's so beautiful." Azrael jerked his hand back and looked over at the female. She was staring at Salem. "Too beautiful to be Human." She sounded wary and she took a step away from the bed.

"Yeah, well he is." Liam snorted, falling down into the chair.

"He resembles one of the Night Children." She took another step back. "Though his scent is Human." She looked confused, her eyes never leaving Salem. The way she was acting was annoying Azrael, as if she was afraid of him. "I should return to my family." Azrael knew he had to go with her, his mother was calling for him through their mind link. He looked over Salem once more before reluctantly leaving with the female.

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