Ch. 14 Apologies

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Looking out his bedroom window that faced the back yard, he watched everyone milling about in their Human and Wolf forms. The whole pack was there to welcome home their future Alpha and pack mates.

Although Salem had gotten over his fear of the Wolves years ago, he still didn't like attending pack meets or events where everyone was there together. It just proved to him that he wasn't a part of the pack. He couldn't join them on runs or hunts, they were all scared that if they so much as touched him too roughly he'd snap and they treated him like a spooked animal on most occasions. You'd think after years of growing up with them they'd be use to him by now.

Salem's eyes followed one male in particular as he made his way around the gathered Wolves talking easily. He looked the same to Salem but also better. He was no pup anymore, that was definitely a male. Salem ground his teeth. He shouldn't be here ogling him. Over the three days he's been back, the two hadn't said so much as a word to each other. Maybe that was part due to Salem doing everything he could to evade him and making sure to never be anywhere alone with the male.

That first night after their return, whatever it was about Azrael that drew Salem in like a moth to flame, had left Salem wanting the male more than ever. He hadn't been able to sleep until he relieved himself twice and even then he hadn't gone completely soft. Salem couldn't keep this up. Azrael is not gay. The male is an Alpha, he'll mate a female who can have his pups and lead the pack with him. The thought alone made Salem want to cry and break things. He didn't know why for the life of him, he couldn't get the male from his mind. He wanted to, he wanted nothing to do with the male who had given him hope only to shatter it. He had toyed with his young heart and left him to try and put the pieces back together.

Over the years Salem tried inviting other males to his bed but every time they went to remove his pants, he couldn't do it. Maybe he was scared of the act of actually being fucked, but no that wasn't true either. He wanted it, he just didn't want it from anyone. Salem groaned in annoyance with himself. Gods, he'll die a virgin.

Salem watched Azrael stop and look up towards the house. His breath caught as the male stared right at him, through him. He knew that face, that strong jaw and that smirking mouth. The body was something new he wanted to explore, take his time going over every dip and curve, feel the strong male above him with his muscles flexing as he drove that bi-

Stumbling away from the window and falling back onto his bed, he couldn't unzip the tight skinny jeans quick enough. Pulling free his straining erection, he used the generous amount of clear fluid that was leaking from his slit to rub over the head and down his shaft that slightly curved towards him. He couldn't help it as his mind ran wild with thoughts of the male, urging him to continue stroking himself.

Salem was biting down on his lip to keep the sounds contained, his hand tightening and breath becoming shallow. A whimper escaped as his head fell back against the bed. His imagination bringing forth an image of the big strong male buried in him, his muscular body covered in sweat and the deep growling he'd make as he slammed into him. Salem gasped as he reached his climax, his toes curling and back bowing off the bed as his release shot over his shirt and as far as his neck.

He looked down at the mess he'd made and without really thinking about it, he brought his hand to his lips and tasted himself. It was salty and a little musky but definitely had a sweetness. Salem wondered if Azrael would taste similar. With that thought he groaned and pulled off his soiled shirt, using it to clean his neck and hand.

Yes, something was definitely wrong with him.


The next morning, Salem sat on the patio alone eating a fruit salad. It was early, dew still covering the grass and birds chirping loudly. Usually after pack meets everyone sleeps in and he was thankful for this because he wasn't in the mood to make small talk or really just being around others period.

His hair was still wet from his shower that he took after jerking off again to thoughts of yellow eyes and a solid body. He'd woken from an intense dream that left him feeling needy and ashamed. Salem decided that he wouldn't entertain those thoughts anymore and would stop touching himself until he could at least think of something or someone else.

This wasn't healthy, this obsession or whatever it was. It seemed more than just simple attraction. Salem thought of a lot of guys as hot or attractive but he never woke up humping his bed like a kid again after dreaming about them.

He sighed and ate a slice of strawberry. It was still a little chilly so early in the morning so he had his bare feet tucked under him in the chair and the tips of his ears were cold from his wet hair. Salem wondered if the grass still smelled as good to the Wolves with their sensitive noses.

The glass sliding door opened but he didn't care to see who it was. It was like his body already knew, the hair on his arms standing.

"Please don't tell me you're a vegan now." The male walked over to the outdoor table and sat down across from Salem. "That's all everyone is in California." He grumbled. Salem looked from the plate piled with eggs, bacon and sausage up to Azrael with a brow raised.

"No, I just like sweets." He said before popping a grape in his mouth. "And I'm not like you, all that meat would kill me."

"I doubt that." Salem couldn't help but snort at the dirty innuendo. "Are you going to continue ignoring me?" Oh, straight to the point then.

"I didn't realize I was." He lied, using the excuse of stuffing his mouth not to say anymore. Azrael grunted before digging into his own breakfast. Neither of them attempted to break the silence as they ate. Salem finished first and chose to look out at the yard and forest beyond, maybe he should have chosen to walk away. "Everyone's happy to have you back." He tried for light conversation but Azrael wasn't going along.

"Everyone but you, you mean." Salem didn't reply and they sat in silence again. Azrael sat back in his seat with his arms crossed over his chest. Salem squirmed under his heavy stare and felt his face grow warm when Azrael smirked. "Look, I want to apologize for how things turned out Salem. We were both kids and I'm sorry for leading you on the way I did and for how things ended." Salem's eyes met Azrael's, who looked back at him with those of warm honey. Oh, how he loves sweets.

"I don't accept your apology." Salem shrugged. Azrael gaped a little, clearly thinking this could just be swept under the rug and everything could go back to how it was years ago. No, Salem wasn't going to let that be the case. He'd really been hurt by what Azrael had done and maybe it was just kids play to him but it wasn't to Salem.

His chair seemed to be extra loud as he scooted back away from the table. Azrael stood up with him, standing tall over his short frame. Salem tried to keep his breathing even as his eyes looked the male over. He couldn't help it.

"I hope we can be friends again, Salem."

"I bet." He smirked, pleased when Azrael's eyes traveled over him in a similar way. He'll accept his apology one day, when it's genuine and he's not sprouting bullshit.

Until then, he'll just have to keep his distance.

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