Ch. 40 Unwanted Company Pt. 1

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Holding Nox against his chest, Salem pet his kitten as he watched the pups file into a line to go down to the basement. Two female's stood checking off names as they passed to make sure they had everyone.

The pups were calm and excited with the promise of toys and snacks waiting for them. Azrael wasn't in the house but instead with the warriors. Melisande had gathered the ones that could be trusted and they were the only others outside of them that knew of the Councils unannounced visit.

When all the pups were in the panic room, others that wouldn't be fighting in any battles made their way down to the basement. That included human Mates, the pregnant, the elderly and the Omegas who chose not to fight or had dominant Mates that wanted them safe.

Melisande sent two warriors down with everyone and they locked the door behind them.

"Can you still touch silver?" She asked, turning to him when the door clicked shut. Salem thought it over, realizing he hadn't trained in weeks.

"Let's go find out." He smirked, petting his kitten.

The two went upstairs to Salem's room and he shut the door behind them. Thankfully his room wasn't in the same state as Azrael's. Not that it was anywhere close to as neat as Azrael's once was. Clothes were everywhere but it was always like that and this was as clean as Salem's room was ever going to be.

Sitting Nox on the bed, Salem reaches under it and pulled out the black case that was as long as he is tall. Nudging his kitten out of the way, he dropped it on the bed and opened it.

Melisande snarled, uncomfortable just in the presence of so much silver. Salem reached out for a long dagger but Melisande grabbed his arm stopping him.

"Wait, what if it hurts you?"

"I have to touch it to find out." Salem chuckled. Melisande reluctantly let go of his arm and he ran a finger over the polished blade. There was no pain, no burning skin. "Well, that answers that." Picking up one of the many silver throwing knives, he held it up and looked it over.

"So what the hell are you?" Melisande asked, eyeing the silver in his hand as he put it back in its place.

"Wouldn't you like to know." He teased, lifting the top portion of the container that held the different kinds of silver blades. Under them was his weapon of choice.

"I wonder if the Council knows, they're so fucking secretive." Melisande said, watching him pull out his black compound bow.

"That could be why Azrael doesn't trust them." He said absentmindedly, assembling his bow. His movements were quick and precise, that of one with practice and skill. "Does anyone know the origin of the Council?" Salem asked, looking through his sight.

Melisande clucked her tongue, thinking back to her lessons from school. "Too damn long ago. I think it was created after some war or something." She shrugged, her eyes trailing from Salem's bow to his exposed neck. " and my brother, you're like, a fully mated pair now."

Salem's face warmed and he took off his bows accessories as quickly as he put it together. This wasn't what he wanted to talk about. Not that he was ashamed of embarrassed to be Azrael's Mate, it was just that even thinking about Azrael so soon made his stomach feel funny. If anything, Salem would of preferred still being in bed with his Mate rather than preparing for the Council's unannounced visit.

"You know you're like my brother now." Melisande said, causing Salem to finally look up at her.

Salem's lips lifted in a smile, the brightest one Melisande's seen since he was a young teenager. Melisande never expected for him to squeal and jump on her in excitement. It was very contagious and soon she too was squealing with him as they jumped around talking over each other.

"Am I interrupting something?"

They came to an abrupt holt and Salem peeked around Melisande to see the big male standing in the doorway. He was as handsome as ever, in worn denim jeans and a plain brown shirt. His curls were as they always are—a mess— and his strong jaw was covered in stubble from not shaving. Secretly, Salem preferred the look, liking the way it made him look rugged and even more masculine.

"Did you need something?" Melisande asked with an attitude, unhappy about being interrupted. They were in the middle of having a very serious conversation about getting t-shirts made with their faces on them.

"Mom and dad are getting curious, mind stalling them?" Azrael asked, leaning against the doorframe. His honey eyes shifted to Salem who felt warm under his Mate's unfaltering attention.

A glint of mischief sparked in Melisande's eyes. "It'd be my pleasure." She said with a wolffish grin before pushing past Azrael to go bother their parents.

They waited until Melisande's footsteps could be heard down the hall before Azrael entered his room and shut the door behind him. Salem watched this, the lock on his door clicking over.

"It's still a few hours until dark and everything's already in place."

Salem's body reacted before his mind caught on to what his Mate was suggesting. Instead of giving a verbal response, he pushed Azrael back against the wall roughly before attempting to climb up the big male.

Azrael growled, the sound making the hairs on the back of Salem's neck rise. He didn't get the chance to predict his Mate's next moves. Azrael had him in his previous position, his back pressed firmly against the wall. It was the large hand wrapped around his slender neck that made him shiver. There was just enough pressure that threatened to rob him of air but not enough to actually do it, not yet at least.

Salem flashed his canines, daring his Mate to continue. He loved this. He knew he could dominate Azrael if he wanted—no matter how much smaller he is— but he didn't want to. It was addictive and he couldn't get enough, having Azrael manhandle him like this.

More pressure was added to his neck before Azrael bent down to claim his mouth aggressively. He sucked and nipped at Salem's lips roughly, his tongue invading his mouth and exploring all that it could reach.

Salem moaned deeply, his nails digging into Azrael's arms and dragging down. Shallow cuts drew blood and Azrael growled into his mouth.

They didn't leave Salem's room until the last of the suns light left the sky. Salem trailed behind his wolf who held his kitten, trying to brush the knots from his long hair with his fingers. He left his room too much in a daze to think of checking his appearance. There was no hiding what they've been doing anyways. Anyone could smell it, Azrael had made sure Salem was throughly covered in his scent.

Pasha was the first to find them, his bright blue eyes wide in a panic. He grabbed Salem dramatically, earning a growl from Azrael that they both ignored.

"The Alphas, they know something's up."

Salem glanced up at his Mate before turning back to Pasha. "That's okay, come, our guest are arriving." He let himself be pulled to Azrael's side and Pasha followed close behind.

The Council wasn't upset by what he'd done to their Caster, Salem knew they were instead intrigued. They were unsure of his abilities, scared of the depths they could go but also eager to find out. Salem didn't mind, he could put on a show.

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