Ch. 20 Killer Looks

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Azrael ran his fingers through his curls, none of the information in front of him was making any sense. He flipped through the papers again, notes from sightings of the male and information on the Vasilek pack. The Council still couldn't find the male who abandoned his pack with only his Mate and a Witch that's wanted for the misuse of Dark magic.

After they'd all returned from what could have easily been a failed mission if Melisande and Salem hadn't shown up, his mother had a few heated words for the two and then after their father talked with the two brothers, she made Melisande and Salem responsible for them. If the males betrayed the pack, they would get the punishment. Melisande had been furious when their father told her she'd be lucky to get sent on a mission before Azrael took over the pack. Azrael himself didn't understand why the female wasn't being sent on her own missions, she was clearly capable of it, but he wouldn't question his Alpha.

Azrael was beginning to get a headache trying to figure out why an Alpha would leave his pack without a whisper as to where he'd go, and what the male could possibly be up to with a Witch who specializes in Dark magic. It's always been clear that Azrael's strength was in fighting and commanding the warriors. This was why he would need a strong partner by his side, one who was strong where he was weak.

Azrael huffed and stared at the picture of the bald male. "What are you up to?" He questioned aloud. A knock on his door had him tossing down the photo and pushing from his messy desk. Throwing the door open, he expected Liam to be there, ready to annoy him. His eyes landed on someone much more preferable.

Salem stood there, his black shirt left unbuttoned to expose his chest and a large necklace with rows of clear gemstones. His hair was left loose and wavy and the black jeans he wore looked painted on. Azrael let his eyes trail up to kohl lined pale eyes that held a glint of amusement. Azrael cleared his throat.

"Need something, Salem?" He smirked and leaned against the doorframe, turning the table, although Salem wasn't as easily affected as he once was and that sweet blush Azrael adored didn't brighten his cheeks.

"We're going for pizza, wanna come?" Salem's voice was smooth and he held an air of nonchalance and confidence. Azrael glanced back at his messy desk. He really did need to figure out what was going on if he wanted the Councils respect when he took over...But Salem was standing there with those pale eyes and that scent that made his wolf feel dizzy. Azrael shut his bedroom door behind him. Salem's pale eyes seemed to flash with excitement but it was gone before he could confirm it.

"Do you always dress like this to eat pizza?" Azrael asked, following behind Salem and watching his long hair brush against the top of his pert ass. How did he have such a perfect ass? Azrael wanted to peal off those jeans to get a look at it, each cheek looked like they'd fit perfectly in his palms.

"How am I dressed?" Azrael's eyes reluctantly dragged up as Salem turned back with a raised brow.

"You know," Azrael waved a hand over the boy. "Like, Like you're not about to eat pizza." Salem hummed, making Azrael's ears burn as he looked away from the Human.

"I like sparkly things." Salem spoke up, fingering his necklace as they took their time walking down the stairs. It seemed Salem still hadn't grown accustomed to the elevator. "Plus..." he lowered his voice as they paused on the stairs, Salem leaning in closer as if he had a secret. Azrael swallowed as his senses went haywire from the Human being so close. "I know what my appearance can do, why not use every weapon assessable to me?."

"I never thought of it like that." Azrael's brows furrowed as they continued down the stairs.

"I can teach you, you already have the looks."

"Are you calling me attractive?" Azrael could practically feel the Human's eyes roll, making him smile. "So, what would my first lesson be?"

"Well first, I'd tell you to do something with that hair of your."

"I thought you liked my hair." Azrael tugged at his curls with a frown. "I knew Mel would have a bad influence on you." He grumbled.

"I personally find your hair fitting, adorable even, although it's too messy and it looks like you've been running your fingers through it from nerves." Azrael couldn't help the wide smile at Salem's words. Knowing that the little human found him attractive made him stand up straighter and his wolf held his head up smugly.

"Females couldn't care less about my hair, as long as they can get my attention."

"That's only because they know the title you were born to. Of course they'll try to find a way into your heart and bed." Salem pushed through the door and their conversations was pushed aside as they met the others waiting in the foyer.

"Took you long enough." Melisande snapped. "I could have just called him down through the link."

"Where's the fun in that." Salem didn't even glance her way as he continued out the front door with Pasha following. The small male and Human had grown close over the weeks and it was amusing watching them huddle together and gang up on Melisande, who was now glaring at their backs. The golden female growled and stomped her foot before following them.

Liam released a breath once she was out the door and looked relieved to be away from the overbearing female. "I don't think I'll make it through the night without stabbing her." Azrael chuckled, knowing the male was only teasing. Melisande might have slight control issues and be a little snappy, but they wouldn't know what to do without her.

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