Ch. 2 A better Pack

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Azrael watched his mother jump up from her chair and rush to the window.

"They're back." She breathed, finally letting herself relax. He'd been up all night with her while his father left to go find his little sister. The brat had gotten herself into more trouble. He'd followed her scent the day before to the territory's eastern border, shocked to find out his sister had continued on. Once he'd informed his father, he'd sent a unit to search for her only for them to return and say she'd been taken. His father had to calm his Mate and talk her into staying on pack lands before he himself went to retrieve their daughter.

Melisande was always one to get herself into trouble. He'd been worried as much as his parents but he knew he couldn't show it because he had to keep his mother rational. It was a fight enough to keep her in the house. It would have been a mess if she'd gone to find Melisande, no one messes with a mother's pup unless you wanted to die.

Azrael didn't immediately follow his mother who ran out the house. He listened to the sound of the SUV pulling up to the pack house, others continuing on towards the garage. He could hear his mother running to the car and jerking the door open, her scolding Melisande as his sister giggled. He sighed, thankful that she was okay. Things could have turned out much worse, especially for a young female on her own.

Azrael got up from his spot on the couch and walked outside, his mother was still hugging Melisande tightly and rocking her from side to side. Azrael didn't keep his eyes on them for long. His eyes locked on the small Human shivering and cowering before his father. Azrael growled, his wolf pushing against his skin as pale eyes met his. Under the scent of fear and blood was a soft smell of jasmine and citrus, like fresh oranges. Something about that scent had his wolf coming forth but he pushed him away and slowly walked to his sister.

"Az!" Melisande jumped on him and he hugged her tightly, his eyes still on the Human. "Did you miss me?" Melisande pulled away and smiled.

"Not at all, I was hoping you decided to become a traveler and roam the lands." His little sister punched his arm before hugging him again. He was glad she was okay.

"Who's this?" Finally, his mother asked the very question he wanted to know the answer to. She stood beside his father, both towering over the small Human who pressed back against the SUV.

"Mom, this is Salem, dad said he can stay with us." Azrael's wolf was pleased to hear the boy's name, wanting to know more. He inched closer, the boy watching him back.

"It's nice to meet you, Salem. I'm Allora." She smiled brightly. "This is my son, Azrael." She introduced, noticing how his pale eyes kept shifting to look up at the male.

The boy didn't say anything and neither did Azrael, who was busy fighting for control with his wolf. He hadn't had this problem since his first shift and bluntly, the way his wolf reacted to the Human frightened him.

"How about we all get cleaned up and get some rest I'm sure you're all tired. Salem, hon let's go find you an empty room." His mother gently placed her hand on the boys back, none missed how he flinched. "You know, I think there's a room empty on Mel and Az's hall. Those that live in the pack house are unmated, mated wolves are given homes around town to start their own families. Plus it's just a bad idea to have newly mated pairs around many people." She chatted absentmindedly, leading them into the house. "Do you have any family, Salem?"

"No ma'am." He whispered weakly. His soft voice made Azrael move closer, wanting to hear more.

The pack house was where everyone met for weekly runs and full moons, built to accommodate a little over a hundred wolves. The house was old, built by his great grandfather. You wouldn't expect the gray stone mansion as you're driving down the long driveway but that's the point. It was originally made as a safe house during the time when Hunters were a big problem for shifters, mostly Wolves. If you don't know your way around it's easy to get lost inside, the house made to confuse unwanted company with its many hallways. Azrael's grandfather refurbished the place inside and so did his father, keeping the vintage feel while also making it somewhat modern.

The side door they entered through led to a sitting room that no one really came into, most sticking to the den and activity room. They took the elevator his father had put in to get to the third floor where higher ranked Wolves resided. Mostly just Betas. The fourth floor was reserved for the Alpha Pair and the second floor Thetas and Omegas resided.

Azrael watched the Human shake as he pressed himself into the corner and closed his eyes as the elevator started rising. You'd think he'd never been in one before. It was a fast ride and once the doors slid open he pushed past everyone to get out. Melisande giggled and rushed to catch up with him.

"Not a fan of elevators?" His mother asked with a closed lip smile. The boy seemed to think the question over before nodding.

"These are the bathrooms, it's easier if everyone shares but some of the rooms have their own." His mother pointed out the males bathroom before walking past. "Here, Trina mated two weeks ago and the rooms been cleaned." She opened the door to the bedroom. The room had what every room did until its occupant added what they wanted. A double bed, a dresser and the two nightstand with lamps.

"Okay, get some rest, look around if you want." Azrael's Father said, grabbing his Mate's hand and tugging her with him. Melisande chuckled at his impatience before smiling at the Human.

"If you need anything my room is right here, and that's Az's." she opened her bedroom door and pointed at his across the hall. Azrael was busy looking over the boys shocked expression. He looked mostly confused. Azrael didn't like the bruise on his cheek bone or his busted lip. He wanted to kill whoever dared lay their hands on him. Melisande's bedroom door clicked shut and Azrael realized he was alone with the kid.

"Ugh..." his face warmed when he didn't know what to say. The boy's big pale eyes looked up at him. Azrael noticed that the gray, almost white iris had specs of blue bleeding in and adding color.

"This is my own?" He asked softly, unbelieving. His eyes scanned the bedroom again.

"Yeah, if you want. If you don't like it we can change it however you want." Azrael looked around the room before gently nudging the boy inside and following him.

"No!" He squeaked making Azrael smirk. "I mean, it's fine, thank you." He hesitantly moved to the bed and sat down, he felt the gray comforter before glancing up with tear filled eyes. Azrael felt the need to hug him but stayed where he was by the door. "I don't have to go back?"

"Never." Azrael said, not wanting the boy to go anywhere. His tears finally fell and Azrael's wolf forced him closer until he was squatting in front of him holding his face. "Hey," Azrael spoke softly, trying not to scare the kid. "I don't know what you've been through but if you want to talk about it, I'm right across the hall." Salem sniffled and nodded. Azrael tried a small smile, getting one in return. "That's better." He wiped away his tears and let his hands fall away.

"Thanks." His cheeks blooming a soft pink. "Melisande said your pack is different, nothing like those other Wolves."

"That's right. Other Humans know about us and live among us, work with us. We even go to school with Humans. We can't ever expose who we are but we'd never be a threat to them, mom would whoop our asses." Azrael chuckled and made to move away, the brief contact making him long for more.

"Really?" He asked excitedly, his small hand reaching out for Azrael before he realized what he was doing and dropped it. Azrael watched his blush darken and smiled. He was adorable, he knew he'd look even better once he healed. Azrael cleared his throat at his thoughts and backed away.

"Yeah, um, you should get some sleep. If you want a shower everything you need is already in the bathroom. I'll have some clothes sent up for you." Azrael doubted they'd have anything that would fit him that wasn't for the pups but anything was better than the shirt and jeans stained with his own blood. Salem nodded his head and scooted further onto the bed.

He shut the door behind him when he left and breathed. His wolf was agitated, he needed to go for a run.

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