Ch. 9 Goodbyes

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Melisande watched Salem smile shyly at her brother before sitting down on the couch beside her. She could smell that he too was freshly bathed and instantly knew what they'd been up to. The hickeys on his neck were also a dead giveaway.

"You little sneak." She teased, making him blush. They weren't the only ones in the den, a group of older females sat at a table playing cards and Azrael was helping a young pup read one of her picture books. "What's it like?" She whispered curiously. She couldn't stand being around anyone long enough to talk to a male, much less kiss one. Salem's arched brow raised and she shrugged.

"Fun." He giggled, moving closer so they could gossip. "I've seen it and I know it's huge." Melisande faked gagging, making Salem laugh.

"I'm going to act like I don't know who you're talking about." She said, not wanting to think of her brother's— you know. Ew. "Anyways, all the stronger males are, it's a dominance thing. After runs and hunting, they're all so high on the blood lust and adrenaline that they walk around showing off proudly."

"I should start coming to pack meets." He whispered seriously, making her laugh loudly.

"Are all your thoughts dirty?"

"Only when I think of him." Melisande shoved Salem away as they continued to laugh.

"What are you two in here giggling about?" They jumped and turned to their mother. Melisande shrugged and neither answered her question. She watched them suspiciously and Melisande realized that how close they sat and what her parents now thought of the two, she probably thought they were whispering sweet nothings to each other. Salem's thoughts were right along with hers and they both groaned, moving apart.

Azrael watched them with amusement and Melisande narrowed her eyes at him. Azrael copied the act but added a wink for Salem who blushed scarlet. Jeez, you'd think after the two had just been rutting against each other like crazed dogs they'd be immune to the teasing. She was still amazed that no one caught on to the heated stares they shared. With all the sexual tension you'd think they'd be going at it more than they had.

"Azrael sweetie, your father's waiting to drive you and your friends to the airport." That pulled their teasing to a standstill. Melisande couldn't say she was sad her brother was leaving, she knew she'd miss him but she also knew he'd be back. It seemed to be the opposite for Salem who's eyes lost some of their brightness.

"It's that time already?" Azrael asked, sitting aside the pup on his lap. Their mom nodded and gave a small smile.

They all followed her outside where most of the pack waited to say goodbye. After paying his respect to the pack, Azrael hugged her and kissed the top of her head. Unwanted tears lined her eyes but she forced herself not to let them fall. Salem wasn't all that caring and clung to Azrael tightly with silent tears running down his cheeks. Azrael wiped them away and kissed his cheek before moving to their mother who couldn't show any weakness in front of the pack. Melisande knew she'd cry in private, after all, her first pup was leaving the den.

Azrael gripped Salem's hand again before going to join their father and his friends who were already in the car. Everyone waved bye until the car was out of sight and cleared the front yard.

"Let's go make lemonade." Melisande offered, pulling a still crying Salem with her.

Salem didn't speak while they made fresh squeezed lemonade. She kept adding sugar, not wanting it to be salty with all the tears Salem was shedding.

After fixing them two tall glasses and Salem cleaned a bowl of cherries, they went to sit on the back patio. Melisande rambled to herself, getting a tan under the summer sun while Salem stayed in the shade because he didn't put any sunblock on. If it were anyone else, she would have thought they were being overly dramatic but something was different with Salem and her brother, she just couldn't figure it out. She should blame Xzavier, apparently he has no gay magic and Salem had friend-zoned him the first time they'd met. It was sad really. The poor pup seemed to actually have a crush on the boy.

Salem tucked his hair behind his ear and she looked at the small point, thinking a earring would look nice there.

"I have combat training in the morning, you should stop putting it off, everyone should know how to defend themselves." Salem nodded along, a faraway look in his eyes. She sipped her cold drink through her twisty straw and watched the wolves playing in the pool from her advantage above.

Melisande sighed, this was going to be a long four years.

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