1|| What is this feeling?

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Modern Era
'Amazing, I just have to attend the place of pain and suffering of teenagers for almost my entire life. Hooray!' [Name] thought sarcastically to themself as they walked down the halls of the one, the only Nockfell High School.

Life was a chore for little [Name].

"Hey, I'm not little.." Said person cut the narrator off, rudely mumbling. Well, deeply sorry for calling you little, [Name]. Anyways, back to the story. Life was a chore for [Name] but luckily, Varian, their closest and best friend forever, was there to make them feel that life is like a video game and that you just have to beat the stage.

The teen walked towards their class with Mrs Packerton and actually, for your information, rumour has it that Mrs Packerton is part of a cult!

"Excuse me? I thought this was about me and not about Sally Face's demise?" [Name] mumbled softly again as they were at the front of the class. The narrator apologises again while a certain bluenette looks at the mumbling teen curiously.

In return, [Name] just ignored Sally and went to their boyfri- I mean best friend! Varian is their best friend. (At least for now. Honestly, I ship it! Don't you?)

Anyways, back to the story.

They sat on the left of the wide-smiling boy. "What's the gist, physicist? I haven't seen you this excited ever since you made your dad proud!" [Name] whisper-shouted. "Well, there will be exchange students arriving today!" Varian answered as his grin goes wider than of the Cheshire Cat's.

The student had a confused look as to why he's so excited about the exchange students. "Exchange students aren't really a thing in Nockfell High." Varian said as [Name]'s mouth formed an 'o' shape in realisation.

[Name] was going to ask more questions but the teacher walked into the classroom.

"Good morning, class. Mrs Packerton won't be here for today, or ever, because she was transferred to another school." The 'substitute' teacher said as murmur echoed throughout the class. Talk about nosy teenagers, amirite?

"My name is Mr Charles Lee, Mr Lee for short." He said as he wrote his name on the board. Which is useless, if you ask me, seeing that his name is somewhat common and easy to spell.

"No one asked you." Little [Name] accidentally said out loud. The brown-eyed man got offended (as he always does). "[Last name], 2 hours of detention for you." I'm-a-general-whee said, placing a detention slip to [Name's] table.

'Great.' The (colour) haired teen said sarcastically (again). What's with the sarcastic and sassy remarks, [Name]?

"Actually, for today, you won't only have a new teacher but you'll have new students as well. Though, they'll just be here for a short period of time. Please welcome them with open arms." The new teacher said. No, Mr Lee is not the substitute. The author, SA2, just wants to confuse you.

"Who's SA2?" The curious teen asked curiously. It's a video game, [Name]. "Wait, isn't that called SAO-" "This is Justin Laboy." Mr Lee said as he cut off [Name] from their meaningful conversation with me, the narrator.

"That's me!" The boy beside Mr Lee said, waving his hand. He had freckles decorating his face. He looks cute, don't you think so, [Name]?

"Yeah, but I like Varian." The (colour) eyed student mumbled to themself. "What was that, [n/n]?" Varian curiously questioned [Name].

"It's just nothing!" [Name] answered quicker than they thought. "Right?" Varian said, unsure of what his friend had said.

Before he could annoy [Name] with his questions, Mr Lee spoke again. Curse you Mr Lee the teacher!

"And this is Margarita Schuyler." A brown-haired girl waved her hand excitedly. "They are both from Park Vista Community High School in Florida. Ms Schuyler-" "Please, just call me Peggy." "Alright then, Peggy will sit to the right of Mr Varian while Mr Laboy will sit beside Mr Johnson."

"Said students, please raise your hands." Mr Lee said as Varian and Larry raised their hands. Peggy walked calmly towards her seat while Justin sped-walked excitedly.

[Name]'s heart-raced and their palms sweat. They have never felt this emotion ever since their first year in high-school. Maybe it's because they're scared of new people? Who knows. I'm not a mind-reader! I only narrate what the author gives me.

Peggy sat down comfortably on her seat and the (nationality) student tried to approach her with a handshake.

"Hi, my name's [Name]! Welcome to Nockfell High School." They said as they awkwardly reached their hand out. "'Sup, [Name]. You probably know who I am already 'cause of Mr Lee." Peggy said as she accepts [Name]'s handshake.

"And I'm Varian! I hope we'll be friends, Peggy." Varian introduced himself with a dashing smile. The yellow dress-wearer smiled at him. "I hope so too, Varian!"

A certain teen started to feel left out and feel another emotion that they just could not pinpoint. With a heavy heart and a sad smile, [Name] just ignored the two as they stared out the window.

'Wait- is that... Me?" [Name] thought to themself as they stalked a person with the same hair as they do from the 4th-floor window. Talk about creepy.

"No, that's impossible. Maybe I'm just too sad and just started imagining stuff. Yeah, that." [Name] mumbled to themself as they watched Varian and Peggy passing notes while Mr Lee was discussing something boring.

[Name] sighed heavily. They wouldn't admit it but deep in their heart, a strong emotion started to form. It isn't sadness! No, it's something much worse than that. They started to feel the emotion jealousy.

January 22nd, their least favourite day.

(Chapter 1; Jealousy) 07/22/2020
968 words

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