25|| You're My Hero

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*Artist: Chamiryokuroi on tumblr*


The young boy weeped under the bedsheets silently, his friend watching him with worry. "I'm sure Mr. Varian's-dad is just playing a prank on us-" "No, he's not!" Varian cut her off, weeping harder than before.

She sighed in defeat while he continued his statement. "You already discovered yours along with Cassie and Eugene." The moody five year old stated. "Maybe you're what Ms. Ariana calls it a 'late boomer'?"

"What's a late boomer?" "I think it's a flower." She replied as her nose scrunched up in concentration, trying to remember what Ms. Ariana told her. "I'm sure there's something about a flower-""Oh! I remember reading about that." Varian told y/n confidently.

"What is it then?" "It's when someone gets their powers later than others." "So, you're a late boomer?" He nodded, smiling. "There's still hope for me to get my powers then!" Varian cheered while y/n accompanied him by cheering as well.

The rest of the day was spent on discussing their favourite pro-heroes, y/n showing off her power (as requested by Varian), and playing 'Hero VS Villain' (The young boy as the villain.)


He ran, and ran as fast as he could. The locals probably would've thought he was crazy but he didn't care. He hadto go to y/n. The blue eyed male ran quickly while silently wishing he had super-speed.

"Y/n!" Varian said with a gigantic smile plastered on his face. "Hi, V!" She greeted with much enthusiasm. Excited he talked about his new experience, "All might just saved me. That's new! Me, out of all the people, he saved me!"

"That's amazing!" She replied with the same tone as his. "He was like, 'whoosh whoosh, I'll save you! Pow, kapoosh, mwahaha- no, it was more of a, hahaha!" Varian explained, acting and voicing out his experience with All Might.

"I wanna be like him someday!" He declared. "But he's so buff and big, how are you gonna be like him?" "I'll train and train until I become the #1 hero worldwide." Y/n smiled, "Keep on dreaming, V! Someday, you will become the #1 hero."

"#1 hero, I'd like that..."


"Hey, y/n. Hey, y/n. Hey, y-" "What is it?" "Check this out." Varian replied, shoving a notebook to the e/c eyed female. "Heroes?" Y/n asked. "I wrote down their powers, weaknesses and everything


...But that was in the past. Years had flew by and still, young Varian was still quirkless. This took a toll on his confidence, and pride. Unlike a certain green-haired student, he stopped on dreaming and keeping his hopes up.

Being pushed around by his mates, getting called 'quirkless' and countless fights, he decided he had enough.

"I'll make them pay. Even if it's the last thing I'll do." Varian stated, writing down something in the little notebook he brings with him at all times.

"They say I can't be a hero. Yeah, I can't be a hero," "Varian-" "So they'll have a villain instead."


(To be continued...)

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