24|| Text Me Merry Christmas!

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Italicised: Y/n


Italicised and bold: Both

Bold and underlined: text


(You both are 18 but this just means you both live with each other,)

Y/n's POV

[December 22, 20XX. Home]

"Do you really have to go?" I said as I hug him. "Yeah, I'm invited to the science fair-" Varian said "-The science fair that only the smartest inventors get invited to." We said in unison. I rolled my eyes. "I get it, you already told me a thousand times.. But.." I give Varian his luggages and he goes into his car.

I stand there, behind the window. It was going to be our first Christmas together in our own home..

"This holiday, you'll be far away. And I'll be all alone. So please remember, this December, to fully charge your phone." I sing as I grab my phone

"And.. Text me Merry Christmas! Let me know you care. Just a word or two of text from you, will remind me you're still there. You don't have to add much to it, one smiley face will do!"

CutiePie: <3

Scoince boiyu:  =)

"Baby text me Merry Christmas-" I hold my phone next to my chest "Cause I'm missing kissing you!~"

[December 23, 20XX. Varian's hotel room, New York]

Varian's POV

I sit on the couch and bring out my phone

"Text me Merry Christmas. Make my holiday complete! Though you're far from me. Say you'll"—

CutiePie: BRB

"That's a text I'll never delete! Just choose the right emoji, one that makes the L-O-L-"

CutiePie: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Scoince boiyu: Lmao lol

[December 24, 20XX. Varian's hotel room, New York]

"And if you text me something naughty,-"

My phone vibrates;


"I promise I won't tell!"

-tem skip to afternonn-

[Varian's hotel room, y/n's room. New York,  Corona]

"I don't care if you spell things right!"

CutiePie: 2day suks lawl

Scoince boiyu: *Today sucks, laugh out loud

CutiePie: I don't care

Scoince boiyu: *Idc

"I just want to hear from you tonight, stroke those keys with your delicate touch. And type those little words that mean so much!"

Scoince boiyu: (DRAFT) love you..

CutiePie: (DRAFT) I love you <3

[December 24. Messages]

Scoince boiyu: Hi

CutiePie: Hey

Scoince boiyu: How are you

CutiePie: Ok

Scoince boiyu: Miss you

CutiePie: Miss you too

Scoince boiyu: X-mas sucks without you

CutiePie: I know L-O-L

Scoince boiyu: Love you

CutiePie: Love you  <3

Scoince boiyu:'Kay thanks, bye

"Wtf, I'm stupid.." Varian whispers to himself while y/n looks at her screen weirdly.

"A Facebook message isn't quite as sweet, I need more from "at" you than just a tweet"

"A snap on Snapchat doesn't last"

"And voicemail? That's from Christmas past!"

[December 25, 20XX. Corona]

"Text me Merry Christmas. Send a selfie too!"

  Varian isn't coming this Christmas..

"If you do, I'll go, 'neath the mistletoe and pretend my screen is you!"

"Show me that you love me, text X-O to kiss and hug me"

He hasn't responded to my texts today..

"I'll be right here waiting, for my pants to start vibrating"

I'll wait a long... long... long.. time

"Baby text me Merry Christmas, and I will text you too. This Christmas"

"It's the least that we can do"

Someone sang with me.. could it be? I turn around

"Merry Christmas!" Varian said at the doorway "You came home.. But I thought it was until 26?" I said surprised "That's not the important part,-" He said "What's the important part then?" I asked

"The important part is that we're standing underneath a mistletoe" he said hanging a mistletoe above us "Not fair! You hung it while we were talking!" I see him smile "Rules are rules, you need to kiss me~" he said

"Fine..." I kissed him on the cheek "Dinner's ready!" I smirk and hold a laugh as he stood frozen "Hey, you missed!" He ran up to me "I missed? When?" I played dumb "Y/nnnn"

It all happened so fast, he kissed me.. And I kissed back..

"Merry Christmas!"

...It truly was Merry...


Merry Christmas y'all! Hope you all have a merry day today. Love y'all! Remember, stay weird amd funkayyyyyy!~~~~

P.s. I'm sorry that I don't updateee

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