[3.8] Female Varian

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Okay! That picture is made by me. (I know there's no gloves!) You can see my initials at the bottom right corner. A/n time! Warning.. Quite sad? :( 

If you don't wanna read this, just please, please! Read the bold words 

I'm so sorry for not updating. School's been harsh. I've got lots of stuff to do like assignments, projects, and exams and my 1st trimester exam will be held next next week. I am afriad that I might discontinue this book. Why!? You might ask. Well, my dear readers, as long as you can wait until the end of the year, I won't be able to update regularly. Yes, I'll still update but it'll take weeks or months before I do. So, my dear readers, I won't be able to update until I get this chip of my shoulder. But this doesn't mean I'll quit wattpad! 

I love wattpad. I love reading! I also love writing but it's hard for me to write these days. Here are four reasons why, writers block? Check. School? Check. Relationships? Check. Myself? Check.

 1.) Writers block, I don't need to explain why. 2.)School, it's because of stress. 3.)Relationships (at school), complicated. 4.) Myself, Procrastination and laziness. 

Sorry for this long a/n. You don't need to know about the chip on my shoulder. Maybe this is the end of this book? Maybe this is a new start of a book? Who knows... Only I do.. G'bye, guys...

Yours Truly || Varian X Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now