6|| Royalty, Loyalty [R]

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This is for Luckyduckylulullama

While Varian was having his monologue thing, a loud *thud* could be heard somewhere in the lab. And boy, did it echo.

"I knew I shouldn't have touched that bloody machine at the fair!" a girl said as she dusted off imaginary dust from her favourite shirt and checked both of her odd looking shoes. After that, she looked in front of her to see Quirin.

Her eyes widened as she blurted out, "Quirin! Wait," she spaced out for awhile.

Then a *scHREEECH* came out of the female's mouth. "I'm in the Tangled the Series!" She jumped around and took pictures using her box-device. It had this flash that could blind any being. Why does she have this? This is a threat to human society!

Varian went behind the amber casing and saw the girl. He checked her up and down and wondered where in heck she had been.

'She's not from here, I suppose. Her clothing is something I have not seen around Corona'  He thought

"Omg, Varian!" The h/c haired girl said, I'm gonna put it in a much accurate way, the girl *screamed* at poor Varian's face. With a bucket ton of confusion, the Alchemist replied,

"Hi, do I know you?" Last time he checked, he's not that popular! The mysterious girl laughed awkwardly and placed her hands in her pockets.

"You don't know me. My name's l/n, y/n l/n." she said. "And you already know my name." Varian answered back. After a couple of seconds she pulls out the box-device. Again!

"Excuse me, can you please stop?" Varian questioned. "Oh, yeah, of course!" The girl said as she kept that threat in her back pocket. "What was that?"

"A phone!" she said telling Varian everything about the phone. Box-device sounds better, to be honest.

"Enough of that nonsense , I need a plan to get my dad out of that casing." Varian said, pointing at the amber casing his dad is in.

"Can I help!?" Y/n said with curiosity and determination.  "No." Varian said as he looked away from the girl.

"Yes, yes" she said twice while going in front of Varian. "No" he said.

"No." she said. "Yes-" Varian said as the girl cut him off.

"Ha! You just got Looney Tuned!" she laughed as confusion was on Varian's face. "Looney what?" "Nothing, nothing."

"Anyways, you can help me." "Yes!" "But don't think that I would not turn my back on you when you make a huge mistake."

After a couple of hours, Varian and Y/n were both uninspired and bored out of their minds.

"I can't think of more planssss!" the girl said as she crumpled a piece of paper. "How about we kidnap the queen?" Varian said out of the blue. "No!" She screamed at his face. "Why not, y/n?" he said

Y/n looked at him with a 'Really?' face. "You might get thrown to prison!" She said. "Why would I?" "Your idea's considered as, what do you call it? Treason!"

Varian *tched* and replied, "Rapunzel let my dad incased in amber and she's not thrown into prison but I will?"

"You will get thrown into prison if you do kidnap the queen! You will, just you wait, just you wait!" she said as she left his lab.

Since Varian was just too cute and handsome to ignore, the e/c eyed girl decided to come back after a few days. By few days I mean the day after she left.

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