12|| I've got this

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Am I dreaming? Somebody pinch me! 

Thank y'all for a #2 in tangledtheseries and 2

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Thank y'all for a #2 in tangledtheseries and 2.2k reads!It means so much to me! So as a thank you I updated and if there's any wrong spelling please tell me! 


Your name- y/n 

Hair color- H/c

Fav. Color-f/c 

Other fav. Color- o/f/c


Varian's POV

I was waiting in front of the castle for SOMEONE  that's late. I have waited for hours! I fold my arms when I see a certian h/c running towards me. Her clothes are a beautiful f/c and o/f/c color with matching flats. She has a bag on her shoulder. When she was finally in front of me, I put my hands on my hips 

"You, dummy! You're 12 hours late!" I shouted at her. She scratched her neck

 "It was just 12 minutes, Var-Var" she said as I blush at the nickname 

"I told you to stop calling me that, Juliet!" She laughs at me- the world freezes as she laughs- this girl laughing right here is my childhood friend and my only friend, y/n l/n a.k.a Juliet, we were best friends since diapers. She's nicknamed Juliet since when we were young she was OBSESSED with finding her 'Romeo'. (Fun Fact #2: I like Shakespeare) -I snap from my gaze and see y/n looking at me.

"Let's just go.." I say as my voice gets softer. I hold her hand and walk towards the castle's entrance

"Why are we here again?" She asked. She's also forgetful at a lot of times. I rolled my eyes

"You're gonna tell the princess about the cats and kitties, dummy" I tell her as we get in line. She nods. We had awkward silence for 3 minutes until she broke the silence

"I'm glad that we're the third" she said. I snicker "That's the dumbest thing you have ever said in the years we had been friends" I said and I started laughing. She blushes a bit and laughs with me

"At least I made you laugh. It has been a while since you have laughed and I-" 

"Princess Rapunzel, may I present, your most humble subjects" Nigel said cutting y/n off while opening the door. I confess, I am quite curious on what y/n was gonna say. Anyways, we have something to report. The two men went infront

"He won't let my sheep graze next to his without a fight!" The princess' hums.

 'It's just sheep' I thought as I rolled my eyes

"How can I cut hair with this guy fiddling day and night?" "Gosh.."

I go front with y/n. I hear Rapunzel mumble

"Lately half the city's overrun by cats and kitties" I say "Eating everything in sight!" Y/n added "Right.."

"Pasture land is public I decree you'll have to share" Rapunzel said. Solved one problem

"Earplugs will do you wonders you'll receive a royal pair" "Thanks!"... Solved two problems

"Henceforth it is written, we'll feed every cat and kitten here within the palace square!" Three problems and more.. Maybe she's got this after all.

"Fair?" The people cheered

"Folks the line starts there" Rapunzel said. I saw Cassandra walk by and I waved. She didn't wave back  though because she got her hands full

"She's got a knack for reigning so far she's holding steady but folks are still complaining so let's not throw confetti. Nonetheless, I guess our girl has got this, she's got this. No prob!" Cassandra said

Y/n and I walked out of the castle and we went to our secret hangout. A secret garden where we first met. A secret garden where I met my crush. We both sat on the bench near the pond and she placed her head on my shoulder. It was a long journey but it was worth it. She asked a question she has never asked me before

"Who's your crush?" She said closing her eyes

Y/n's POV

"Who's your crush?" I ask as I close my eyes and prepare myself to say that his crush is Cassandra, the lady-in-waiting, the captain's daughter, and Varian's crush.

"Well, I won't tell you who she is but.. She's actually in Corona" Varian, my best friend and crush, said as my heart gets shattered. My theory was right, he does love Cassandra

"She might be cute and smart then.." I say as I lift my head away from his shoulder

"You're such a narcissist" he said as I processed what he said. When I finally got it I blushed and realised that his crush was me!

"I love you, Var-Var" I say as I hug him "I love you too b-but that doesn't mean I want you to be my girlfriend or anything!" He said blushing intensely and I giggle. I kiss him on the cheek

"If I would be your girlfriend would you be my boyfriend?" "I... I would like that" My eyes widen. It's the first time he didn't say something... harsh and I love him more for that.

"Let's take a look at what the princess done with the kitties" Varian said pulling me out the secret garden and I groan

"I'm too tireddd" I whine "Piggyback ride?" He said bending and I grew excited "Yess!" I hop on his back "Onwards!" I say and Varian laughs. Half way the journey Varian got faster and I started to notice

"Slow down! You might trip!" I said worriedly "We're almost there, it's fine!"

Thankfully, we arrived at the square unharmed. What we saw was horrid! Rats everywhere

"We need to report this to the princess" I said. We started running to the palace. When we got there the same people that were first from us were also there. We barged in

"Since we shared the pasture, we can't tell whose sheep are whose!" "Oops."

"I can't hear my customers and ruin all their dos" "Sorry.."

'Good thing I'm not his customer..' I thought

"Now the cats are quiet-" "-But the rats are running riot up and down the avenues!" I said cutting Varian off

"No more interviews" Nigel said pushing us out. I went out the castle with Varian and I started ranting

"How can the princess not know that it'll happen, how did the people not know it'll happen, how did I not know it'll happen?" I shout in frustration. Varian held my hand

"Hey, I've got this. At least we accomplished something today" "What did we accomplish?" "We accomplished being alive and happy" he said and I smile "That's new coming from you" I say "What can I say? You really changed me." 


Tsundere Varian for the win! XD

Thank y'all for a rank #2, 2.2k reads, 83 votes and 153 comments! Without you guys, I don't think I would reach this point so I want to thank you all! Have a great day, stay weird and funky! 

Yours Truly || Varian X Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now