16|| Losing my mind

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Heya, just enjoy. 


!!Singing ahead!! 


Your name- y/n 

Italic: 'memories'/ thoughts 

Bold: the song


Varian's POV 

I heard someone knocking on my door and I opened the door to see y/n. My heart beats faster than ever and I started sweating 

"Heya, Varian. It's been so long!" She said. Hugging me. I started blushing. I haven't felt her touch for a long long time.. After the 'hugging session' that just lasted for 4 seconds, I let her go in my house. 

"Thank you for letting me in." Y/n said "I told you, you're always welcomed here" I said giving her coffee "Thanks. Anyways, can you babysit my children?" She said sipping her coffee (Fun fact #3: I dont drink coffee.If you don't drink coffee like me, just disregard this)

My heart dropped. I forgot that she got married and had a family... "Yeah.. Sure, I would love to babysit your children. After all, I am their uncle" I said with a fake smile but as always she's oblivious. I saw three kids go inside my home and hug y/n.

"Alvin, Simon, and Theodore! I told you to stay in the car" Y/n said "We're sorry but it was getting boring!" Alvin said and y/n just sighed 

"Say 'hi' to your Uncle Varian. He'll be taking care of you" she said pointing to me "B-but why?" Theodore said "I have to go to work. They're quite a handful" she said laughing and leaving my house. The three just stared at me 

"Hi.." I said awkwardly and the boys started asking me questions 

"Can you sing?" Said Alvin

"Do you do science?" Said Simon

"What's your relationship with mom?" Said Theodore. The three of us looked at him

"To answer your questions, yes, yes, friends" I said then Alvin started jumping 

"Sing us a song!" He said and the others cheered "Please, Uncle Varian!" Theodore said and I gave in. I got my piano 

"Your... Mother and I wrote this song when we were.." I *fake* coughed "When we were together .." I sang the song while playing the piano. The song just gave me flash backs..

"The sun comes up, I think about you. The coffee cup, I think about you"  

There was y/n sipping her coffee while I was on my phone 

"I want you so, it's like I'm losing my mind. The morning ends, I think about you"

That was the day we broke up.. The day that messed me up badly..

"I talk to friends, I think about you and do they know it's like I'm losing my mind?" 

"It's my fault!" I sobbed into Eugene's shirt "Hey.. it's gonna be ok, bud" 

"All afternoon doing every little chore. The thought of you stays bright. Sometimes I stand in the middle of the floor. Not going left, not going right. I dim the lights and think about you" 

I dim the lights in the dining area and remembered the last time I had a date with her

"Spend sleepless nights to think about you. You said you loved me, or were you just being kind?" 

"I loved you! I really did but I don't feel that way anymore.."  her words stung in my heart for many nights "I know that you like my cousin.. Just admit it, Varian! I see how you look at her!" Our first BIG fight that was never fixed... 

"Or am I losing my mind? I want you so, it's like I'm losing my mind. Does no one know it's like I'm losing my mind" 

I lied everyday after the break up "I'm doing fine" is the most common lie I say but the truth is I'm losing my mind

"All afternoon doing every little chore. The thought of you stays bright. Sometimes I stand in the middle of the floor. Not going left, not going right. I dim the lights and think about you. Spend sleepless nights to think about you.You said you loved me, or were you just being kind?" 

This really broke my heart. This, this was the part where she was supposed to sing. This was the part WE composed

"Or am I losing my mind?" I said stopping and started crying. I whispered a meaningless 'I'm sorry' over and over again. I felt someone hug my chest, someone rub my back and someone hug my legs. 

"It's ok, Uncle" Simon said rubbing my back. 

Alvin was hugging my chest, Simon was rubbing my back and Theodore was hugging my legs 

"Y/n's lucky to have you guys..Thank you.. Thank you.." I said patting their heads. 


Woooow, double update! But what does it meannnn? 

Lol, it means I'm inspired. Anyways, stay weird and funky, my chipmunks!

Yours Truly || Varian X Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now