1.3|| What is this feeling?

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[Name] sat on front of the mirror, combing their hair. They were getting ready for prom and frankly, they were quite excited. Varian had asked them out to the dance few days prior. It went a little like this;

[Name] was walking with Peggy, holding their things as they strutted through the hallways. As [Name] was putting the last notebook in their locker, a wild (yet adorable) nerd appeared! "Hey, [Name]!~" The nerd said in a singsong voice. "What brings you here in this fine afternoon?"

"Dude, this is my locker?" [Name] answered him with a deadpanned face as Varian chuckled awkwardly. "Sorry, I forgot this was your locker." He replied, placing his hands in the pockets of his jacket.

"What brings you here?" The teen asked, closing their locker before leaning against it. "Would you like to go to prom with me?" He straightforwardly asked me out. "Ok." [Name] replied. "Great! I'll wait for you by the, uh, punch stand probably?" Varian chuckled awkwardly before scurrying away, leaving [Name] with Peggy.

The teen might've just said a simple and short response such as "ok" but inside, they were screaming their lungs out. Peggy was eavesdropping the entire time and decided to tease her friend. "Finally got yourself a date, eh? Took you some time."

"At times, you're the worst." [Name] groaned, beet-red from their friend's commentary. "Did you get yourself a date?" "Duh." "What I meant is, who?" "John Laurens."

"Like, The John Laurens?" They questioned, seemingly surprised. "Stop overacting, oml." "But I heard he likes Alexander Hamilton though?" Peggy's eyes widened. "But Alexander likes my sister?" "...Angelica or Eliza?"

Anyways, let's cut that conversation short.

Back to the present, [Name] stepped out of their dorm room and knocked at Peggy's door. "Yo, Peg Leg! Prom ain't gonna last forever! If you want to make it in time, wake up!" They shouted as the girl's snores halted to a stop.

"Alright, I'm up! Just wait, you potato!" She retorted, running around her room in panic as she fixes herself.

After a couple of years, Peggy finally got out of her room.

"Took you long enough." [Name] rolled their eyes in a joking manner. "Hey! You don't see me complaining when you take too long!" The teen gasped in mock offence as Peggy laughed wholeheartedly.

Anyway, the pair arrived at the gymnasium, the place where the awaited event took place in. Once they got there, Peggy got swooped away by her date as the (color) eyed teen waited by the food stand for Varian.

They were in deep thought when a certain raventte's hand snapped them out of their train of thought. "Wanna dance?" He asked in a very charming way. Speechless, [Name] nodded as they waltzed into the dance floor.

The music was being played on the piano. The pace was slow and it was mellow. It was very soothing and perfect.

He placed his left hand on [Name]'s waist as his right hand intertwined with the teen's right hand. [Name] placed their other hand on Varian's chest, leaning towards him. They stayed like this for the remainder of the song, basking in each other's company.

This moment was broken by Varian as he said hesitantly, "I need to go somewhere for awhile.. Please stay here." His voice cracked at some point. He didn't want to go but he had to. Varian mumbled a sorry to [Name], leaving the (color) haired student confused.

As [Name] lost sight of Varian, the host started talking. "NOW, EVERYONE, CLEAR UP THE DANCE FLOOR AS WE PROUDLY PRESENT OUR PROM QUEEN/KING.. [FULL NAME]!"

Everyone beside [Name] scurried off to the sidelines as the spotlight shone on them. The teen was shocked and flustered. They stood in pure joy and excitement with a huge smile.

The populars started to laugh and snicker as if they knew something was going to happen. This confused [Name].

Suddenly, the gymnasium's ceiling opened as [Name] got dumped in slime, glitter and a bunch of stuffed toys. Those involved with this harsh joke they call a prank started to take photos of the teen.

Embarrassed and disheartened, [Name] ran to the nearest bathroom as tears threatened to fall off their eyes. Peggy ran after them to comfort them and ask about the incident.

"What happened back there, [Name]?" "A cruel joke that the populars call a harmless prank."

(Chapter 1.3; Varian Happened) 07/08/20
741 words

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