1.2|| What is this feeling?

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My dear diary,
There's been some confusion over Varian here at Nockfell but of course, I'll rise above it. (For I know that's how you'd want me to respond.)
Yes, there's been some confusion. For you see, my best friend is unusually and exceedingly peculiar and altogether quite impossible to describe nowadays. Plus, a huge dork.

Discarding the fact something's wrong with Varian, I want to tell you how amazing Peggy is! [as a friend, of course.]

[Name] spaced out, thinking of all the fun days Peggy experienced with them. Drawing on their paper, they smiled before- "Mr/s L/n, I have been waiting for you to pass your paper for the past minute!" Ms Arayon said angrily. "And what have you done to your paper? Detention for you!" 

[Name] rolled their eyes, looking at the back as they searched for Peggy. Oh, looks like she's handing her paper to Ms I-Will-Give-You-Detention. Wait- wait! Is the Ms I-Will-Give-You-Detention smiling? I mean, psh, talk about favouritism.

Also, if you didn't know, Varian switched classes from 1-B (which is where Margarita and [Name] is in) to 1-A. They, [Name], began to ponder again about the transfer of their best friend.

"Guess he's better than us." They mumbled. Though, that train of thought got cut off by the-

*Ring* *Ring* *Ring*

-bell. It ringed to signify the start of everyone's second favourite subject, recess. (The first favourite subject is lunch! Just because it's a tad bit longer.) "You ready to go?" Peggy said excitedly. "To the canteen I mean." She added as the (colour) haired teen nodded in response. They both walked to the canteen side by side.

They both look around the canteen, sitting in their usual place. Peggy bolted to where the food was being served, leaving [Name] alone on the bench as they scrolled through tevQuo.

After reading a couple of books about random topics and smuck, the energetic brunette finally came back with her recess. "Took you long enough." [Name] joked, taking a sip from their friend's drink. "The line was long!" Peggy whined, pouting.

"But anyway, I just thought of something!" She said, switching from a pouty 6-year-old to an energetic 10-year-old. Congrats, Peggy, you aged up 4 years!

"Go shoot."

"Well, stereotypes are just like music. The populars are pop music, 'emo kids'-" she said as she made quotation marks using her fingers, "-are rock and the both of us are those kinds of music that everyone doesn't like but is still in their playlist because they're too lazy to remove it!"

"Don't think of us that negatively! We're probably like those vine-kind of music." "How?" "We're great but will die because youtube, meaning other more popular people, will be keeping us behind their shadow."

"But y' know, how about the smart ones?" [Name] asked, pointing at Varian's table. "Y'know, like 1-A?" Peggy thought for a while before answering with, "The smart ones are classical music! Oh, wait, no. Need something nerdier." Peggy said, using her chopstick to eat her sushi.

[Name] giggled, "Game soundtracks?" "Yeah! Game soundtracks!" She said excitedly like she just discovered a new way to invent good fanfics. The two laughed when the (colour) eyed student suddenly thought out loud,

"Hey, Pegs." Said person hummed in response. "Do you like Varian?"

She gasped, "You like him, don't you!?" Peggy said, standing up from her seat while pointing her chopsticks at [Name]. To put it as an understatement, the teen was confused. "No? I mean- yeah, sure! Why not? It's just, I feel calm around him and it's probably not serious. Right?"

Then, silence for the both of them.

"You're in love!" Peggy said standing on top of her chair until [Name] motioned her to go sit down. They questioned Peggy, "Love?" "Love!" Peggy repeated excitedly. "Long time no see, [Name]!"

Both teens faced their right to see Varian standing there with a smile, waving at both of them. "I think you're right, Peggy." [Name] whispered to their friend. "I think I may be in love."

(Chapter 1.2; Love? Love!) 07/22/20
698 words

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