17|| Together

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Your name- y/n 


Y/n's POV

Varian is my best friend and my lover. We used to do everything together.

We baked together.

We walked together.

We did Alchemy together.

We did *everything* together!

But today, he's EXTRA gloomy. He's always been gloomy since a year ago and I always try to cheer him up and he ALWAYS ignores me. It's like he can't hear me..

Anyways, I follow him to Monty's shop and Varian got my favourites! I got excited

"Ooooo, can we eat it now?" I said bouncing. He just looked at his back (maybe at me) and he just ignored my question and answered me with silence. Next, 'we' went to the beach. He got stones and threw it on the ocean. I remember him saying he dislikes the beach since it's sandy but still went with me when I wanted to go. I giggle to myself. That cutie pie... I saw him stand up so I stood up with him.

"Where are we going?" I questioned but as always he ignored me. Weirdly, when I stood up, there was no sand stuck to my clothes. Never mind it. The WHOLE day, we went doing my favourite things but Varian had a frown while we were together. At the end of the day, we went to a decent looking not-so-scary graveyard. I don't know why we're here though. Did anyone die? Then I heard Varian speak

"How I miss you, m'lady. All the things I've done today is for you. Happy 2nd anniversary, y/n" He said. Happy 2nd anniversary? And why is he talking to a gravestone? Disregarding my thoughts, I decided to hug him.. But I went past him

"Who's there?" Varian said, alarmed. My eyes widened and I looked at the gravestone.

'Y/N L/N, Daughter and friend,'

That explains everything. The reason why people don't talk to me. The reason why Varian won't respond. It's because I'm dead. I started sobbing. How could I have left my loved one alone in the world after I promised that I'll never leave him! I'm so sorry Varian... I went away to early. I hug him (well, it's more like go through him) and he started to smile

"Y/n.. Is that you?" He said with hope in his eyes but I frowned in sadness that he won't hear me. I let go and feel myself get more... Transparent.

"Y/n? Y/n! Please, please don't leave me!" He sobbed and I kissed his cheek one last time. He seemed to calm down.

"Don't worry my love, take your time, I'll see you on the other side..." I said as my soul started to rest and I was gone..

A little 5 years later, I saw him. I saw Varian again.. Turns out we're now together and happy.



You should be happy that you guys are lucky to have an author like me that did a double update yesterday and updated today again. Lol I'm joking. 

Anyways, guys, you have to check Lily's story called Tangledton. It's one of a kind so it'll be easy to find. Eek, that rhymed. Her story is also very underrated. Also, I heard that Varian's back. I'm so excited to see what the producers are gonna do with him, will they make him a 'good' character? An antagonist again? Or something new? I'm so hyped. Anyways, stay weird and funky, my fellow potatoes!~

Yours Truly || Varian X Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now