1.4|| What is this feeling?

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[Name] sat in their bathtub, their hands pruning up as they have been there for awhile now. They sighed, sulking deeper into the tub and in the process, wetting their head. The [coloured] haired teen stayed under water until their lungs gave in.

Multiple dings and rings could be heard from their phone, messages from Peggy and a couple other notifications popped up on the lock screen. [Name] choose to ignore their phone, muting it and once again, they were alone in the quiet bathroom.

The student was glad there was a week of no classes after the event, it made them relieved, joyous and blessed.

They sighed once more, getting out of the bathtub and dressing up after drying their self. "I'll take a stroll around the park to get my mind off of things." [Name] muttered to no one in particular, exiting the bathroom.

Slipping on their shoes, they took their time reaching the park. They took in the view and breathed in the fresh air of the local park.

It was prettier here, calmer and fresher too. The mood of the park was happy. Children were playing on the playground while their parents watch from the benches. Some families were having a nice little picnic while others were doing outdoor activities. There were even people who jogged and some who biked. It was happy.

[Name] laid down on the soft, lush, green grass with content and sadness. The park was like heaven and they were relishing it. Closing their eyes, they sigh. "Penny for your thoughts?" A familiar voice asked.

Tired and annoyed, the [color] haired teen opened their eyes and simply stared at their unwanted visitor. The person beside them shifted uncomfortably. "Not up for talk, got it."

"Why are you here, Varian?" They asked. "I just wanted to talk to you." He replied, sitting down next to his friend. "I'm sorry about what happened." "What did happen?" They retorted, Varian was flabbergasted. "Y'know, the thing at prom." He answered awkwardly and hesitantly.

"What did happen at prom?" [Name] questioned as Varian was left startled once more. "The thing? Y'know the incident thing?" He replied as fumblingly as before. This time, he didn't receive a response so Varian took it as a sign for him to carry on. 

"I just wanted to apologize for it." [Name] plucked a flower from the grass. "Whether you believe me or not, I didn't know they were gonna do something as extreme as that." Pluck. "I thought they were gonna do a completely harmless prank." Pluck. "I'm just very sorry. I shouldn't have left you. I regret it very much. I knew they were going to do something." 

The silence was deafening, Varian continued. "I hope you can forgive me." "What is there to forgive?" They asked, sitting up from their position while, turning their head to make eye contact with Varian. He was speechless, not able to say anything for he too was unsure. 

[Name] stood up. "There is nothing to forgive because nothing happened. Nothing to apologize for because you had done no wrong. You left me, it was just a coincidence that they did that." They said, leaving Varian as they went home. 

(Chapter 4; Nothing Happened) 01/08/2021
541 words

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