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The walk towards his cell was quiet. Drops of rain was faintly heard outside of the small 'dungeon'.

When I used to live near noisy streets, my grandparents used to tell me that silence is always golden, but in this moment, silence was deafening.

There was no sound to be heard inside the prison except for the rain dropping and the indistinct sound of the piano in the distance. 

Outside, there was no trace of sunshine, happiness, nor children laughing.

Today, Corona seemed dull and melancholic which is of contrast to its usual vibrant and joyful atmosphere. 

Varian's mood reflected Corona's. He looked gloomy and empty. Of course he does! His plans of freeing his dad failed. What else could he do? What else could he live for? He felt empty and had no desire to think nor speak to another being.

How is he going to find reasons to live? His dad, the last person he looks up to is encased in some kind of amber and the whole kingdom turned their backs on him! Even the princess.

At last, they arrived. The alchemist entered the cell, his head was in a slight bow and his eyes were looking at the floor like it was the most interesting thing that has ever existed. After he entered, the guard closed the door behind him and locked it.

It was official, Varian was behind bars.

The young boy sat down on the bottom part of the bunk bed and silently pondered about his life.

Almost an hour has past and Varian was still in deep thought. The curious teen at the top bunk went down the ladder and observed the black haired boy. They observed everything about him- even the tiniest details of his outfit and features!

They waved their hand in front of the interesting boy to try to gain his attention.

"Hello?" The (color) haired teen said, uncertain of how to interact with the boy. Varian looked back at them with a face of confusion and shock. They stumbled over their words, unsure of how they should approach the male.

"My name's [Name]. We're kind of like roomies?" They reached out their arm for a handshake.

[Name]'s awkward attempts of starting a conversation made Varian smile weakly. They reminded Varian of himself before chaos happened.

He accepted their handshake and introduced himself.

"My name's Varian. I used to do alchemy before I got locked up." He said with a small smile. "Oh! I've met you before!" [Name] declared proudly and again, the boy showed a face of confusion for a sec but then, it was like a light bulb went on top of his head when his face showed realisation.

"You were the person that I met on the day of the Science fair?" Varian asked with a curious tone. A glimpse of a frown was on his face for a second. It was like he remembered some sad memories.

"If I remember correctly, you helped my uncle and I arrive to the king's castle-meeting room thingy!" [Name] said, now comfortable sitting beside Varian on his bed. As for Varian's response, he nodded slowly and asked-"Your uncle's the guy with the weird blue hair and unibrow?"

The e/c eyed prisoner nodded. "Without you, my uncle wouldn't have discussed the plans about some inventions. I am forever thankful." They smiled. "Your uncle's a scientist too?!" Varian exclaimed in a hushed-whisper. It was like he tried to not scream, suppressing his excitement.

"Yep, I'm surprised you didn't know." The black haired boy almost screamed in frustration when he realised he met one of his idols. "Please tell me you're joking!"

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