14|| Run away

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Ok, I changed my schedule it's Friday, weekends, holidays or/and class suspensions. Today I updated 'cause there's no school (yey) so just enjoy! Also, this was actually supposed to be with my two 'ocs' last year but I changed some stuff to fit Varian. Enjoy! 



Your name- Y/n 

(Thats it)


Varian's POV

Being the prince of the dark kingdom is not an easy job. Everyone is afraid of you and will take everything you say seriously. My 'dad' or the king wants me to marry this girl from a different kingdom that I barely know. My plan is to go to the woods where I'll spend the rest of my days.

I sat down on my throne and listened to the king.

"Varian! You must marry this girl. She's a princess of a large kingdom where you can rule." He said as my head boiled with anger

"Sire, I barely know this girl and you're just using her for title!" I said pointing at him and I saw shadows forming on his eyes. I got scared but decided to not show it

"You will marry her. No objections. Go to your room now" He said "Bu-" "NOW" I choked back my tears and I ran as fast as I can to my room and I locked the door. I started packing my stuff on a bag. If I can't have freedom then he won't have power.

I climbed down the window from my bed and jumped off. Luckily, there was a deep pond under. I swam out the pond and ran towards the woods but I looked back one last time.

The truth is that I'm not the son of the king, I'm just a normal boy. You see, the king doesn't have children to inherit the kingdom so he chose my dad, his guard, to give him me so that I could be the prince. I got to the starting of the woods. Well, into the woods I go.

When I finally got far in the woods, I went adventuring. As further I got in the woods, I saw lots of... life. Life is something I don't see that much in the kingdom so I got excited but night falls and I suddenly felt worried.

I didn't have a place to stay. Bleghhh, I should have stayed home. This whole 'run away' thing is stupid. I facepalm mentally but then I saw a little cabin. It had a fireplace that still has fire so that means someone has been living here recently.

Wouldn't they mind one visitor? I think not. I went inside and laid on the bed. I felt my eye-lids get heavy and I fell asleep quickly.

I woke up to a girl pointing a sword at me and my eyes widen.

"Who are you?" She said "I-I'm Varian" I said raising my hand for a handshake and she lowered her sword "Why are you here?" She said eyeing my suspiciously "I just didn't have a place to stay..." I said and her face softened "You poor thing, you can stay here as long as you like!" She smiled and I blushed. Just disregard her first impression and you get...Hospitality,  something that's nonexistent in the kingdom. I accepted happily

"Thank you...?" I said waiting for her to say her name 

"Y/n" she said. Nice name..  "Thank you, Y/n"


Yo yo yo wassuppppp! I wanna make a new book so just vote

A) Hamilton (oneshots)

B) A musical (comment) 

C) comment 

That's it for now. Stay weird and funky. Baiiiii!~

Yours Truly || Varian X Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now