17.1|| Alchemy (Together-Midquel)

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Omg, in all the titles of my book, this one actually 'relates' to Varian. Midquel of Together. Ya didn't expect this did ya? Hmm, should I make a sequel?



The WHOLE day, we went doing my favourite things but Varian had a frown while we were together. Well, almost everything. We did everything I loved except one. Alchemy. Varian and I loved alchemy but for the past year, he didn't touch anything related to it. He didn't make inventions, he didn't do experiments. Heck! He didn't even go down to his lab!

The sun was setting and we still haven't done alchemy! What kind of crazy person would do that to a loved one? Varian would. I'm just joking!

As we get closer to our destination, stuff started to flood my mind.. Weird stuff. The stuff you see in movies that has color and other stuff. Oh wait, those are not invented yet.

We were experimenting with chemicals in the lab when suddenly there was an earthquake then a rock, a black one sprouted not to far from me. [MeVMoary_NRoTi_FoauNND] gasped in excitement

"Let's figure out on how to remove these rocks! Are you with me?" A male voice said "I- I don't know.. These can be dangerous!" A frightened voice of a girl said

"It's not! Believe me, I know everything about alchemy and it can't hurt you!" He said and the girl just obeyed him. They were testing different chemicals on the rock.

Explosions of colors happened on the first try.

On the twentieth try, we set the rock on fire by mixing acetone, acid, and potassium permanganate but it didn't break, well, rocks don't break on fire. I would kill to see that!

On the twenty-ninth try, a puff of smoke exploded into V(BEEP)'s face and it was hilarious! His hair was everywhere and when he removed his goggles he looked like he still had them on because of the smoke and you know, stuff!

We were having fun experimenting and everything was going fine just how I didn't imagine but then suddenly Ruddiger accidentally spilt two chemicals on me with his tail. Bleach and ammonia. My eyes started burning and my insides were also burning physically and metaphorically. I don't know how it's metaphorically but it's for the story. I fell asleep in the process but I never woke up.

I started to feel deja vu from just that memory. Who's eyes was I seeing through and why does it feel so familiar? Like I've went through it... Did it actually happen? Was it my imagination? I've got so many questions that doesn't have answers!

At the end of the day, we went to a decent looking not-so-scary graveyard. I don't know why we're here though. Did anyone die? Then I heard Varian speak


Thaz the end! A special chapter will be posted tomorrow as an honor of reaching 20 chapters lol. Sorry this was short and boring. Love y'all. Stay weird and funky, my fellow potatoes!~

Yours Truly || Varian X Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now