27|| Incorrect Quotes

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[Name]: Tell me a random thing about space.
Varian: Abraham Lincoln is president of Mars.
[Name]: What the?
Varian: I don't know, Rapunzel said it and it's been haunting me ever since


Eugene: The only time you seem honest is when you're insulting someone!
Cassandra: The only honest things I can say to you are insults.


Varian: Fine! I'll admit it, I was wrong.
[Name], smugly: Yes, you were. and what does that make you?
Varian, sighing: A clown.
[Name]: And what do you wear?
Varian: ...Clown shoes.
[Name]: Exactly!

🤡 👞 👞 🎉

[Name]: [sniffing]
[Name]: Something's changed.
Varian: Oh, it's a new cologne. My barber suggeste-
[Name]: No, not you! I know what you smell like.


Rapunzel: I have faith in you.
Varian, genuinely confused: Why?


Varian: Our first year as a married couple and we're still in love.
[Name]: In your face, those who said we wouldn't last a year!
Eugene: I stand by my wedding toast!


[Name]: Hey, Varian, what are you thinking about?
Varian: How I wanna take probiotics and antibiotics at the same time and have them fight inside of me.
Varian: I just wanna see who wins!

💊 ⚔️ 💊💧

Varian: [to name] Your smile? It makes my day.
Eugene: [to Rapunzel] Your happiness? I live for that.
Cassandra: Hotel? Trivago.


[Name]: Varian, I never doubted you for a moment!
Varian: Thank you, [Name]. You're lying, though, right?
[Name]: Oh, yes. I doubted you very strongly.


Varian: Oh, look! It's [Name]!
Varian: Oh, no! You can't let them see me like this!
Varian: Like what? You look great.
Varian, mortified: [takes a deep breath] I'm not wearing cool socks today.


Varian: Has anyone seen my partner?
Cassandra: What do they look like?
Varian, sobbing: BEAUTIFUL.


Rapunzel: Wow, Varian, you're a genius!
Varian: Yeah, I get called that a lot.
Rapunzel: What, a genius?
Varian: No, "Varian".


Cassandra: You have to pick your battles.
Eugene: One of the battles that we picked was to stop Varatos and [Name] from running plastic tubes all over the house and placing hamsters inside of them.
Rapunzel: They were gonna call it Tube City.

How does everyone feel today? I thought of making the whole book gender neutral and changing the pronouns and smuck. How do you all feel about me changing (y/n) to [Name]?

Yours Truly || Varian X Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now