20|| Ballet

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WASSSUPPPPP! Does anyone even read this anymore? Whatever. Anyways, if y'all like, if this book gets 5k reads (which is near) I will do a face reveal BUT it'll only be up for 24 hours so yeah. Anyone objects?

Ok, just enjoy this oneshot


Your name- y/n

Last name- l/n




I open my eyes and take a deep breath as the curtains open. I smile at the crowd.

"May we present, THE AMAZING L/N!" The host said and the crowd cheered. Who is 'the amazing l/n'? You may ask. Well, that's me! I'm actually Corona's best ballerina but not be boastful or anything!

I'm actually Corona's shyest person. I just dance to shake it off! Ballet is a very rare dance in Corona because it's not that popular. My mom was the one who invented it so she wanted me to continue it.

Back to the present, right now I'm gonna dance on the stage with a crowd staring at me. You've got this, y/n!I started with a twirl next a swirl then I tried to do a triple jump but then I saw goggles.

Goggles mean Varian. Varian means crush. Crush means PANIC! I started to panic mid-air. Everything was blurry. Everyone was surprised... Then I fell.. On the ground... I broke my ankle

Varian's POV

We all saw y/n fall down on the ground. Gasps can be heard. Horrified faces can be seen. B-blood can be smelt. Or is it just me? Ok, the first two are right, the second's just my imagination. Or it's real and I'm just blessed with a good nose?

I snapped out of my thoughts and I ran to help the injured ballerina. I ran and tried to avoid the crowd but I'm not that great so I bumped into lots of people. When I finally bumped approximately 18 people, I saw y/n with a broken ankle.

I carried her on my back and she wrapped her arms around my neck. I blushed but then I thought that she's just doing it since she's injured! Don't think of anything else, Varian!

I arrived at a nearby clinic and I placed down y/n on a bed. She looked at me

"T-thank you so much for he-helping me" she said smiling and then I blushed and I lost my words. My favorite person is talking to me! A celebrity is talking to me!

"I wouldn't consider myself a celebrity but thanks anyway.." She said rubbing the back of her neck. Before I got a chance to speak, a nurse took her away. All y/n did was wave and smile. You don't know how much that smile means to me. I stood there like a lovesick fool for a couple of minutes before Rapunzel surprised me

"How'd it go?" She said smiling widely like an idiot "It was fine.." I said in a daze, still happy from what happened. My crush talked to me! "She likes youuu!" Rapunzel said jumping and grabbing my shoulders

"W-what!" I stuttered out "She doesn't even know me!" I added "Sh-" I cut off Rapunzel "There's no such thing as 'love at first sight'"

"I was not gonna say that!" Rapunzel said crossing her arms "Then what were you gonna say?" I replied mimicking her, crossing my arms "I was gonna say.. She actually knows you!" My eyes widen, how? When? And where did she meet me?

"She was in your class but she was just too shy to talk to you" Rapunzel said answering my questions. "Wait, how do you kno- andddd she's gone..."


THAT'S IT FOR THE WHOLE WEEKEND. Nah, jk jk. Anyways I have nothing to say except OMG I GOT THE FIGURINES. THEY'RE CUTE OML

It's upside down but bleh, it's foine

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It's upside down but bleh, it's foine. Stay weird and funky! Bye!~

Love y'all

Yours Truly || Varian X Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now