18|| Oblivious

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This is very short. Sorry. 


Your name- y/n 


Y/n's POV

I see Varian on the stage, making a fool of himself. Well, not completely a fool. More like a clumsy cute little thing. It's sad he got disqualified because of his assistant. As I was daydreaming, I saw Varian slouched, walking and kicking a rock on the way. I ran to him

"Heya, cutie. How are you?" I said winking and he blushed a tiny bit. "I'm doing fine, y/n" He said and I laughed "Varian, I've known you for a long time and I know when something's not right" I said with a grin and he sighed

"Cassandra just ditched me and used me for her chores" Varian said kicking a rock. My eyebrows arched. Who in their right mind would do that to a handsome, cute.. smart, clumsy.. "Y/n?" Varian said snapping me out of my daydream "Yes, love?" I said not thinking of what I said

Varian's POV

"Yes, love?" Y/n said with the cutest smile

Wait, love? LOVE? Does she actually like me? No, no. Varian, look at what you're saying! She would never like you. She's too perfect for you! Plus, all the pick up lines and nicknames are just a sign of friendship. It's nothing more, right?

"Why do you call me nicknames?" I questioned and looked at her intensely as she sweat dropped "I call-" I cut her off "Why do you also use pick up lines on me?"

"Gosh, you're just so...!" She said "What am I? What am I 'so'? Tell me!" I shouted at her. It broke my heart shouting at her, yes, but I needed answers. "You're so oblivious!" She shouted. In the first time in forever, my best friend who has never broke her fuse, shouted at me.

"How am I oblivious!?" I shouted back and the clouds started to get gloomy "You're so oblivious that you don't know that I love you!" She screamed out. The both of us went silent and I saw tears streaming down her face. The clouds started crying.

"I... I didn't know you felt that way, y/n.." I said sadly and I saw how sad and miserable she looked. My best friend that was always so happy and reserved was just trying to hide the sadness and miserable within her and she had to love an oblivious and ignorant me. "You didn't know? Varian, I dropped hints ever since I loved you! You know what you did? You just disregarded my hints and just went with Cassandra! Mind you, you only knew Cassie for a ahort period and you knew me your entire life!" She said turning her back at me and putting emphasis in 'my'  and 'Cassie'. I didn't have a word to say.

"You never knew anything about me anyway." She spat out coldly and she ran away from me. I wish I could say that I'll see her tomorrow but if I did, I would be lying...  I wish I would have known better...


Wohooooo, I updated the whole weekend. You proud of me lol. Sorry this was short. Luv y'all! 

 Remember, stay weird and funky. Until my next update, goodbye!~

P.S. Ples some one explain how family trees work. Just look at my chapter 16 and TangledForeverAfter's comment, it'll explain everything on why I'm asking this.

Yours Truly || Varian X Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now