9|| Constant State of Denial

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Two teenagers could be seen sitting hand-in-hand underneath the shade. A boy and a girl talking to each other about the most random topics.

"Y'know, I keep on seeing myself. Do you think we're in an 'alternate universe'?" Asked the girl. "Science hasn't said alternate universes are real yet, M'lady! Therefore, I believe not such exists." The boy replied.

"C'mon, V! Can't you believe on stuff that Science hasn't explained yet?" She teased. "Like love? Surely that doesn't have Scientific evidence?"

"Actually, *being in love is affected by huge, measurable changes in the biochemistry of the brain. Science has identified three basic parts of love, each driven by a unique blend of brain chemicals." 'V' replied.

"Shucks. Well, for you, what is love?" "You're the meaning of love." He answered back with a smile on his face. "Shut up, you cute dork." she replied, flattered.

"We should go home, it's almost dark." The h/c haired female suggested while Varian just agreed. They walked to the car parked outside the gates of the park.

"Hop in, M'lady~" He says in a, may I say fake British tone. Y/n giggled and mimicked his tone. "Thank you, good sir!" They both laugh at their silliness as they hop in the car. 

Varian sits on the driver's seat while y/n seats next to him.On the way home, the teens were greeted with silence. No, it wasn't awkward silence. It was a comfy silence. Don't worry, all of you socially awkward peeps.

They finally arrived and saw Rae in front of y/n's house. The e/c eyed female proceeded to take off her seatbelt and hop off the car. "See you tomorrow! And don't forget-" "It's our date night." They both said in unison.

"Pick you up at 8 PM?" Varian asked as y/n nodded. They both leaned in to kiss but Rae interrupted them. As always.

"N/n!" She shouted out.

"Heya, Rae!" Y/n replied, hugging her best friend. "Where have you been?" "Uh- the park with Varian?" Y/n answered confused as ever because she told Rae over the phone that she was going to the park.

"Oh ok.. Are we just gonna stand here or are you gonna let us both in?" She questioned.

"Oh yeahh.." I say opening the locked door with the key under my welcome mat and I head upstairs with Rae following me to my bedroom. She sits down on the organised bed.

"Sooo, what happened?" She says laying on the bed, making it messy once more. "One word... Varian" Y/n said, twirling around with a lovestruck smile."Oh boy, here we go again" Rae said, laughing and rolling her eyes.

Then, the h/c haired female began her 'speech'. "Varian is just like, wow! He's the stars to my night and it's like-"

Cue spongebob voice please. One hour later.

"And it's so romantic when he says 'I love you' randomly! " She said, out of breath and now laying down on Rae's lap."You done yet?" Rae said while brushing y/n's hair.

*SPACE UNICORN, SOARING THROUGH THE STARS-" Rae's phone sung, interrupting the two's conversation. "Brb, it's my girlfriend." she said while picking up her phone from the bedside table.

"You still have that ringtone!" Y/n said before bursting into laughter. "It's supposed to be ironic" she replied, rolling her eyes and answering the call.

Seconds later, Varian called. The female left on the bed picked up her phone faster than Sanic. Bear with me, folks, Sanic is just to avoid copyright.

"Hello, love!" "...Yes, hello. Is this y/n l/n?" A voice of a girl awkwardly said."Yes, this is she. May I ask, who are you?" "I'm nurse Nicole, I just wanted to inform you that you need to go to the hospital near Clermont street. Mister Varian had been shot earlier and his dad wanted to inform you" Nicole answered.

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