5|| Entries

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*Fanart by Val-off at Tumblr. Check them out! They do Varian fanart*

"April 20, 1700,

Entry #1

For purposes, I have decided to record the events of my life. Anyways, today, I met a girl named Y/n L/n. She has h/c hair, e/c eyes and likes alchemy. I was surprised to say the least when she said she liked alchemny. And no, I wasn't surprised that a girl likes alchemy, I was surprised because no one in the whole entire kingdom likes alchemy-

Actually, I said to her that I'd teach her some of my formulas tomorrow! Should I even do that?"

Rapunzel read out loud to the crowd that had begun to form around her but then, she got cut off by the one, the only Professor Granville.

"Get to the point, Ms. Rapunzel. I haven't got all day." "Right, right! Hold on for a moment." The blonde girl said as she quickly flipped the pages of the book. "Ah! Here it is."

"April 16, 1701,

Entry #619

I am confirming it! I will confess to my best friend on our first friend-anniversary. Surely it's not too soon, right? I mean, we've been best friends for a year already! Anyways, sorry that this entry is so short. I still need to prepare for my confession on the 20th of April."

The professor looked at her student and decided to interrupt her story time. Again.

"This is a waste of my time, Ms. Rapunzel. I have other students that could interest me much more than this presentation you're having." "Please, please! I just need one last chance to uncover the truth behind the Massacre of 1701. We all know who did it but what we don't know is why Doctor Varian did it."

Professor Granville sighed and said, "Proceed."

"April 20, 1701, entry #627, Doctor Varian's first friend-anniversary and love confession!-" The professor looked at her with disappointment.

"A love confession? Please Ms. Rapunzel, that's insane! This whole romance that you've "invented" just proves you're too naive to be here. I'll be off." Professor Granville said as she started to leave.

Rapunzel stumbled to search the pages she needed for the bookmarks that were there but had fell when she had bumped into a suspicious looking guy.

"Hold on for a moment!" The girl said as she panicked to find the entries needed. "You got this, Blondie." A whisper of encouragement from her boyfriend was enough to shake Rapunzel's fears away.

She put the book down, placed it on the table beside her and begun to recite the alchemist's entries by heart.

"April 20, 1701

Entry #627

I guess that not everyone gets a happy ending. I guess that not everyone gets to get the- so called 'princess' in their lives. I guess that not everyone gets to be the knight in shining armour. I guess that not everyone gets to be King George the third.

King George the third. The worst king I have ever met in my whole years of living! Just writing his name down fuels my anger. Darn him! He was the man that was betrothed to my beautiful, beautiful y/n. He took the love of my life to that damned country!

How did I find out? Well, that's quite a long story." Intrigued, the professor decided to stay for a bit and listen to the blonde.

"May 4, 1701

Entry #721

Attempts number 1-50 have all failed but I have gathered enough data and materials for another attempt. Project 24601 is slowly coming together." Rapunzel paused for air and looked at the crowd in front of her. With a big smile she said with pride,

"And I have found entry #730, his last entry! The entry historians struggle to find. I have found it underneath the tree  that Doctor Varian confessed under.

May 6, 1701,

Entry #730

I did it. I bombed Corona. I swear, I didn't mean to do it! It was all for you, my precious. Why did you have to be engaged to another man?

I was meant to be yours, you were meant to be mine and mine alone. Such a pity you had to be with that cruel king. Don't worry, you're in peace now. I'll see you again, whether you like it or not.

For the ones reading this, unrequited love is the real reason on why I bombed the whole kingdom. I'm sorry.

And the rest are ripped out." Gasps and mummers echoed through the open house. "That's my presentation." Rapunzel said awkwardly as she expected a bad reaction from her professor.

"Unrequited love? Seriously? After all these years, that's the reason behind the massacre of 1701? The answer was so simple, we had it under our noses!" Professor Granville said as she reached out for the book.

"Can I have that book of yours, Ms. Rapunzel? This could help so much historians!" The professor added. Rapunzel nodded and gave it to her.

"Thank you, this will be very very helpful." Professor Granville said as she walked away, book in hand with a wicked grin.


(Chapter 5; A part of my diary entries) 10/18/19
860 words

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