21|| Plan

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I dedicate this chapter to @SSIYukuriYuni lolololol. Pick one dress from below and you can change the color for later!

 Pick one dress from below  and you can change the color for later!

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(Drawings made by me

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(Drawings made by me. Just discard the faces and hairs. Replace it with you. I just drew these for fun. I didn't expect to put it in here lol)


Your name- y/n

Favourite color- f/c



Y/n's POV

I sketch in my sketchbook as I 'listen' to Varian's plan. It's something about the princess- I meant, queen. I don't know, I'm not paying attention that much. Varian angrily got my sketchbook and I gasped. My mouth frowned and my eyebrows furrowed.

"What the flip was that for?!" I shouted balling my fists. "You weren't listening!" He shouted back and It's the first time he shouted at me so I shrunk in fear. Varian looked scary hot.. Wait, what! Nevermind that. His [Varian's] face softened and he apologised

"I'm sorry, y/n. I'm just stressed out. Tonight's the party so we need a plan" he said handing me back my sketchbook. "It's fine. I know that you want revenge on the royals but how did you know there was a party?" I said keeping my sketchbook in my satchel. Corona's prison improved, they even allowed for prisoners to have their old non-dangerous stuff!

"The dumb guards told me. While you were asleep, two dumb guards were talking infront of our cell and I overheard there was a party and everyone's invited. Well, except for us." Varian said opening a scroll "What's that?" I questioned

"It's our plan" Varian answered, smirking evilly. I sigh and I sat on my bed, facing the cell bars. I was never supposed to be in prison, it's my brother who's supposed to be in prison. Sorry, I never introduced myself, I'm Y/n Fitzherbert, sister of the new king, Eugene Fitzherbert. He married the new queen, Rapunzel and he didn't even invite his own sister to his wedding!

I took Eugene's place and I'm innocent. He has visited for some time since I got locked up but then one day he stopped. I grit my teeth and ball my fists. He'll regret the day he stopped visiting me. I heard snapping

"Y/n! Earth to y/n. Hey!" Varian whispered, snapping his fingers infront of my face. "Why are you whispering?" I questioned Varian "There's a sleeping guard, guarding our cell" He said packing stuff "What's all of that for?" I questioned sitting on Varian's bed

"It's for our plan" He answered, opening the dusty closet "What plan?" I questioned. I literally don't know the plan for this. It's like, you studied for a different subject that doesn't have a quiz and you didn't study for another subject that does have a quiz and the subject is next. You get me? Probably not. Varian snapped me out from my thoughts

"The plan is that you wear this dress then you distract the whole crowd while I kidnap Rapunzel's child" Varian said revealing a f/c dress. (Pick up) I take the dress "Wait, Rapunzel's child?!" I drop the dress in shock but pick the dress up again "Yeah.. I forgot to tell you.. Wait, I did tell you but you wouldn't listen!" He whisper-shouted and I sweat-dropped as I got embarrassed

I changed the subject. "How will I change?" I said and Varian's face exploded with red. It was his turn to get embarrassed. "I'll get an extra fabric to cover you while you change.. I-if you'd like!" Varian awkwardly said and I laughed silently "Sure, that'll be nice" I said and he was gone in a giffy! But back in a giffy as well. He held the cloth like it was a dressing room and I started to undress and redress.

"Where did you even get fabric?" I say as I look at my gown that's now on me "Someone mysteriously throws fabric in this cell ever since last year. It's weird" Varian said, wearing the bag. "How are we gonna get there?" I said as I tried to zipper the back of the dress "We're gonna sneak. Now, stop asking questions!" He said and I blushed in frustration. Varian looked at me.

"Little help?" I said bashfully and Varian blushed a tiny bit. I removed my hair that was on my back and I heard the zipper go up. "Thanks.." I said and awkward silence filled the air. I coughed

"Let's just go.." Varian said, still blushing "Yeah, let's go" I said. Here I come Eugene. This'll be the last time you'll see me.... Let's hope this plan works


I have n'thing to say but I'll just say... Stay weird and funky! Bye!~

Yours Truly || Varian X Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now