10|| One word, AUs!

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Thank you so much, lamsismyjams for making this beautiful piece of art! Please go check their artbook and profile out!

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Thank you so much, lamsismyjams for making this beautiful piece of art! Please go check their artbook and profile out!

By: lamsismyjams

Varian was about to crush Cassandra and Queen Ariana using his automaton when suddenly, black rocks sprouted his way and his vision turned white.

Varian, Rapunzel, Cassandra and Eugene was stacked over each other (in that order). The male brunette was the first to react. "Get away from me! Blondie, do you see this? Cassandra's touching me!" he complained. "Shut it, drama queen." Varian replied, annoyed for [1.] he didn't get to 'win' the fight he had created back at Corona and [2.] he was trying to focus on where they are. "Girls, girls! You're both pretty!" Rapunzel said.

Varian stood up and got down from the pile they were in, the other three doing the same. As they were all preparing themselves to leave the cave-like basement, a girl with a pink ball appeared in front of them. "Who are you people and why are you in my lab?" She said, throwing the ball to the floor near the four, glueing them to their place.

"Hi! My name is Rapunzel and I have no clue on why we are here!" Said Rapunzel, smiling as optimistic as possible. "Which AU are you from?" The chem-ball owner asked. "AU?" Varian confusingly said, knotting his eyebrows. "You know, Alternate Universes?"

Rapunzel, Cassandra and Eugene looked at each other, confused as Varian pondered. "Gah! Forget it! I'll try to find out myself." She said, sitting down near a table. "Where are you all from?" "Why should we trust you?" Cassandra said, pointing her sword at the potential threat.

"Female Calvin, I might be the only one who could get you out of this Reverse AU and back to your own universe." She said, lowering the sword pointed towards her. Cassandra and Rapunzel looked at each other as they said in unison, ""Who's Calvi-" "Hello? Can you get us out of this goo stuff? It might stain my boots." Interrupted Eugene as Cassandra groans and rolls her eyes.

"We're from Corona but that boy with the blue streak," Rapunzel said, pointing at Varian. "-is from Old Corona." "Tell me all of your names or I will report you to the queen and king for trespassing." She said as she was responded with silence. "Please?" She added.

"Ok, I'm Eugene Fitzherbert. The blonde one is Rapunzel," he said as the female waved. "This one-" "I'm Cassandra." Cassandra said interrupting Eugene, Eugene just glared then continued, "And that's Varatos." "Varian." the teen said, holding out his hand and to everyone's surprise, the mysterious girl shook it.

As the two were shaking hands, Varian observed her appearance and noticed how similar their choice of fashion is. "With the current data I gathered about you guys, it seems that you're from the original or maybe the moon drop AU." She stopped in mid-sentence, raising up her sunglasses, showing her e/c orbs.

"My name's y/n l/n. I'm the kingdom's alchemist." "You, an alchemist?" Eugene asked as she nodded, "Mhm, actually, it was supposed to be my sister but I just *popped!* into this AU- wait, why am I even telling you this? I guess there's a part of me that likes too.."

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