15|| 2 Years Later..

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BOOM, WASSUPPPPPP. Sequel of Run away since I wanna. Enjoy! You didn't expect this did ya? 






I woke up to a girl pointing a sword at me and my eyes widen.

"Who are you?" She said "I-I'm Varian" I said raising my hand for a handshake and she lowered her sword "Why are you here?" She said eyeing my suspiciously "I just didn't have a place to stay..." I said and her face softened "You poor thing, you can stay here as long as you like!" She smiled and I blushed. Just disregard her first impression and you get...Hospitality, something that's nonexistent in the kingdom. I accepted happily

"Thank you...?" I said waiting for her to say her name

"Y/n" she said. Nice name.. "Thank you, Y/n"


Y/n's POV

I went home from my trip and when I went inside my cabin, I saw a boy. A weird looking boy. He had a blue streak on his hair.. It seems familiar somehow. Anyways, my instincts kicked in and I grabbed my sword. I pointed it to his neck and he woke up.

"Who are you?" I said 'Who in the world just goes inside a cabin that's in the middle of the woods?'

"I-I'm Varian" He said raising his hand 'What is he doing?'

I lowered my sword. "Why are you here?" I said eyeing Varian suspiciously "I just didn't have a place to stay..." He said and my heart melted. I was always a sucker for being kind except when my instincts kicks in.

"You poor thing, you can stay here as long as you like!" I smiled and his cheeks reddened. I haven't seen people in awhile. Did they evolve to this? 

"Thank you...." He said and I just realised that he was asking my name

"Y/n" I said "Thank you, Y/n"


2 years later...

Varian, my best friend, stayed in my house for like... years? Maybe 2 years? Anddddddd it's his birthday tomorrow! He's turning 18 and I'm 16 going on 17 next time. Anyways, I get ready the cake and hide in the kitchen. I heard my name being called over and over. I went silent.

"Y/nnn, this ain't funny!" Varian shouted and I saw his foot under the table. Current hiding spot, under the table with cloth. Current place where the cake is, on the table.

"What's this on the table? 'Happy birthday Varian'?" I heard him say in confusion. I crawled out and grabbed his back

"Happy birthday, Varry!" I shouted while hugging him and he laughed "Thank you, n/n. I forgot it was my birthday today" he said and I gasped in shock "No body forgets about their birthday! Let's go celebrate!" I said

"How are we gonna celebrate?" He asked and I jumped "I already planned the whole day. We're going to the kingdom near the forest!" I said and I saw him got 'nervous'. Maybe he's excited?

Varian's POV

"Which kingdom?" I said nervously and I thought of myself being caught in 50 different ways in the Dark kingdom. "We're going to.... Corona" she said in a kinda gloomy tone but then smiled again. "C'mon, let's waste no more time!" she said pulling me outside the cabin and outside the woods.

I saw a castle, a bright castle when we went in Corona. Y/n and I went to different places. She wasn't kidding when she said she planned the whole day but the fishy thing about y/n was that she wore a coat with a hood the whole afternoon er- day. It's already 10:00 pm and we still haven't went in the castle. I'm gonna ask y/n about it but she just ignored it.

"Please? Let's go to the castle!" I begged "Hey! Look there, there's... a sandwich stall! I heard they sell the best ham sandwiches!" She said pointing to a random stall.

"Y/n, why won't you want to go to the castle!" I shouted. This attracted some people. "Varian, stop, you're making a scene" she whispered "I don't care! Just tell me why!" I shouted louder than before. I heard lots of people whisper and she screamed. (more like shouted -3-)"Because of reasons!"

"What reasons?!" People circled us "You won't understand!" I saw tears drip from her face under her hood. "I always understand you!" My vision got blurry as tears started to fall. "You won't understand that I'm a princess!" She shouted and everyone gasped. A guard pulled down her hood and everyone gasped.. again and I gasped in betrayal.

The two of us went to the castle because the guards told us to. Y/n went in the throne room first. I eavesdropped.

"Y/n, my daughter's back!" I heard a female, maybe the queen, say.

"Uhh who's this?" Another female said "It's your sister, Rapunzel" a male said

"It's been so long since I've seen you" I heard the queen say then I was pushed in the throne room and the royal family looked at me at shock.

"Varian! Your dad is worried sick about you. Where have you been?" The king said "I was.. At the woods?" "For 2 years?!" The queen said.

"Let's just forget about this. At least we found my long lost sister and a lost prince." Rapunzel said and all of us agreed "Besides, I have someone to apologise to.." y/n said

"I'm sorry for not telling you that I'm a princess, Varry" I saw frown and I got guilty. "N/n, I'm sorry for not telling you that I'm a prince" I said with regret and I saw her smile. "At least now we don't have secrets from each other, right?" She said and I laughed forcefully but she bought it

"Right, no more secrets" I said as my heart dropped. If only you knew that I'm gonna get married...


Wohooooo, only 5 more oneshots then I'm into 20 chaptersss! Anyways. That's all. Stay weird and funky!~

Yours Truly || Varian X Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now