[3.12] Update

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Hello, y'all! I hope you all are safe and having a great day today. I just wanted to promote my new oneshot book called "All Kinds of Love [Haikyuu]" that stars a genderneutral reader and the characters from the anime, Haikyuu. I'd really appreciate it if you all check it out if you want to.

Also, I would like to thank all of you for your love and support. Thank you so much for helping this book reach to 50K reads and 1K votes! You all mean so much to me and I really thank you for all the support you give me.

I am deeply sorry for not updating this book anymore for I have yet again fallen out of love with this series. I hope you all can understand.

Thank you again and enjoy your day!

Yours Truly || Varian X Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now