[3.11] Good news, Bad news

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Ok, let's go straight to the point! 

The bad news is that I, the author will stop editing this book for the meantime because of my studies and responsibilities. The good news is... *drumrol pls* 

I'll be making MORE oneshots! Meaning, season 2 'n' season 3 of TTS! So, I hope y'all will be patient with me. Though it might take awhile, will you still read this? Please leave feedback! It really helps me :)) 

Anyways, I will also be making a new book after I finish this oneshot book. The story will be about mystery and crime. Info will be added soon :) 

Also, thank you all for still reading my stories and author notes. Love you all! Stay weird and funky, my fellow socially awkward beans :D 

Yours Truly || Varian X Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now