7|| Secrets

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*Fanart by set yourself free (kactus kid) in tumblr. Check them out!*

Hiro removed his eyes from his phone and focused on the (hot) mess in front of him. Varian was there, panicking like a teenager does.

"Dude, chill-" the 'cooler' half of the pear said before he got cut off by the headbanging-table boy.

"How in the world will I chill?" Varian shouted- wait, you might be very confused? Right, reader? Well that's Varian, a problematic student, an awkward guy, and Hiro's bestfriend.

The reason he was banging his head on the table was because he'll ask out 'his crush' for prom and can't think of anything to say or do. He's just that awkward.

Actually, come to think of it, he did try one time but it was an epic fail. He just ended asking for their homework and trust me, I was there and it was hilarious!

A couple of weeks ago...

"I'm going to do it!" Varian whisper-shouted at Hiro with dertermination. "I'm gonna ask y/n out!"

He said as he peeked through the corner and looked at y/n. She was talking with her friend, Nix. Varian walked away but before he did, he saw his best friend's worried face. He shrugged it off and walked towards y/n.

'Maybe he's worried I'll fail?' Varian thought to myself as he got closer to y/n. A couple hours of hesitation- but in reality it was just a couple of seconds- he touched his crush's shoulder."H-heya, y/n!" He said, stuttering.

'Freckles! I shuttered.' He thought. "Heya!" She said smiling. "W-would you like t-to.." he stopped halfway as the author wanted to be part of the story so she excused herself saying,

"I'll leave you to it!" She quoted Angelica in satisfied as she ran away from the two lovebirds and into her writing room like info-chan.

"Would I like to?" Y/n repeated what Varian had just said in a question.

'Shoelaces, this is my chance!'  I thought

"Uhhh, would you like to... Bemypromdate?" I said quickly and softly."I'm sorry but can you repeat that but slower and louder?" She asked apologetically.

"I s-said would you l-like to... Help me with homework?" The teen said, thinking of an excuse quickly.

"I'm sorry I can't! I still have to do mine, but-" she said but she got cut off by the annoying ring of the school bell that signifies the start of classes.

"Sorry, I've got to go, bye!" She said running off to her class while Varian stood there with a sad expression.

'I can't believe that I just threw away my shot' he thought.

Hiro ended up teasing Varian for a few days. As much as Hiro wants his best friend to be with his crush, he didn't want Varian to be with y/n.

You might be thinking, 'Hiro! Why wouldn't you want Varian to be with someone? You're just being jelly!'

No, he's not jealous. It's just that Varian's crush is Hiro's sis- adopter sister. Cue *gasps* from the audience.

Sadly, Varian doesn't know about the sibling thing going on with Hiro and y/n.

"-and then ask her out! What'd you think?" Varian said while Hiro was spaced out, thinking of his sister. Although she's older than him, he tends to worry a lot about her than she does.

"Great?" Hiro said rather confused since he doesn't know what they were both talking about. Varian just facepalmed. "You didn't listen did you?" He said

"Yep." The boy said popping the 'P' while Varian sighed. "This is what I'm gonna do tomorrow-" Varian said as Hiro spaced out again.

"-then I'll ask y/n out!" He said excitedly but his smile turned into a frown when he saw that Hiro didn't listen. He snapped his fingers in front of Hiro's face and slapped him gently when he still didn't listen.

"Stop spacing out! Now, here's my plan-" he said. Long story short, it took Hiro almost an hour to stop spacing out and process what the boy next to him was saying.

"You're not gonna actually do that, are you?" Hiro said nervously. "I'll actually do it!" He said with stars on his eyes and his head up high.

*ring* *ring* *ring*

Hiro's phone rang to notify him that someone's calling him. He looked at the caller ID, it was y/n. Hito looked at the digital clock next to Varian's bed '6:30 PM, Wednesday'.

Hiro panically said to Varian, "Gotta go! Bye!" As he ran out of the bedroom, apartment and to the streets he ventured.

(Chapter 7; You're in love with my sister) 10/18/19
772 words

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