4|| Dark Humor and Questions

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(Slight angst warning)

Rapunzel and Cassandra went into Varian's room in a hurry. "Quickly, we need you to go to her!" The princess quickly said. Varian was in a state of shock. "Wait, who?"

"There's no time! Just come with us, we'll tell you later." Cassandra said as she pulled Varian out of her room and to a carriage. Rapunzel sat beside Varian while Cassandra was the coachwoman.

"Care to explain on where we're going?" Goggle-boy said. Rapunzel visibly hesitated and opened her mouth to answer, "Varian, haven't you heard about the news?"


Two teens can be seen sitting on top of a hill. The girl was laying her head down on the boy's lap in silence. They seemed to be enjoying each other's company even if they aren't specifically doing anything.

"If you were dying right now, what would your last words be?" The h/c haired girl said to the wondering boy. This caught Varian by surprise. It seemed so uncharacteristic of his friend to say something like that especially out of the blue!

After a few minutes, the teen finally grasped an answer. "Actually, it depends on what kind of situation I was in but if I was dying because of a sickness, I would probably say, 'Dad, I hope you're proud of me.'" For her response, the (nationality) girl nodded. Just like that, they went back to their comfortable silence and appreciated each other's company.

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But that event took place weeks ago. Right now, the other half of the pair could be seen lying down on her bed, sick. Her skin and eyes had a yellowish tint. It looked like she got hit by a bus! But buses weren't even a thing back then. So I guess that idiom wouldn't work.

Anyways, she was clutching her abdomen in pain. The poor girl had tears on her eyes and a bucket full of vomit (and blood) on her side. She silently wished her suffering could just end right here, right now.

Where was Varian? Was he even coming? Where are they when I need them?

Her thoughts engulfed her mind. The world was spinning round and round like a horse on a carousel.

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"Varian!~" A singsong voice said to the boy. "Yes, n/n?" He said, tearing his eyes away from the book he was reading.

"Guess what!" "What?" "It's Christmas!"

Varian looked at the girl confused as ever. She looked like an excited puppy. It was very cute, actually. The boy smiled at his friend's enthusiasm.

She started singing the intro to one of the most well-known songs for the holiday. "Death the halls with boughs of holly-" "Isn't that supposed to be 'deck the halls'?" The girl shrugged, smiled softly and said,

"Whatever helps you sleep at night!"

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"Is she breathing? Is she going to survive this? Cassandra and Rapunzel did you know all along that she was sick?!" Varian said while holding his best friend's hand gently. The princess and lady-in-waiting nodded hesitantly.

The young boy dropped y/n's hand in rage. "Why didn't you tell me! We could've prevented this. Well, actually, you couldn't have prevented it but I could've prevented this!"

A faint *creeeeAAAK* was heard and the trio looked at the perishing girl. The trio's thoughts were cut off by the coughing fit of y/n. Varian came rushing to her side."Hey, V." She smiled.

"Surprise! I'm dying." The girl said with a grimly expression. Varian held y/n's hand.

"You know, until this day, I still don't get your humor." He whispered to her while combing through her hair. She chuckled lightly before coughing hard. Her joyous expression then turned to a scared one. Scared to not say what she wanted to say before she died.

In a panicked tone, she quickly said, "Varian, even though we're still young and probably don't know what love is, I love you deeply. You are the one person that's always by my side."

" I wish that I could be in your future, y'know? Waking up beside you, calling you sweet nicknames-" Varian chuckled half-heartedly "All I wanna say is, I wish I could've been with you longer." She added as she went limp.

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"What would death be like?" "Excuse me?" "Like, when we all die, where do we go?"  The girl curiously asked her friend. The boy pondered for awhile and shook his head. "Science has no explanation for that yet!"

The girl laughed silently at him. He was truly a nerd of Science is what she thought.

"I mean, for you, where do our souls go?"  She explained further. Again, the boy pondered. "I have no opinion nor explaination for that." He smiled sheepishly.


"Hey, y/n, how are you?" the wind answered him with silence. "Me? Well, I've been doing worse without you." Again, silence.

"Just so you know, I  love you too."

(Chapter 4; But I was too late) 10/14/19
843 words

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