8|| Puppy Love

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*Fanart by Meladiartz (Artzy) at Tumblr. Check them out! They do TTS fanart and other fandoms aswell!*

"Dad, why can't I go outside?" The little vampire girl said as her hair was being combed by her dad, Count Dracula. Her dad sighed and said, "Y/n, we talked about this-"

"'But my baby wavy, it's not safe, bleh bleh bleh!'" She mimicked her dad's voice, recalling that day. Dracula placed his daughter on her bed and tucked her in.

Before Dracula could say anything, Y/n beat him to it. "I'm already 80 years old, dad! I think I'm old enough to at least go to the village near us." The Count sighed for the 1,776th time that day.

"Sleep now, my little monster." Dracula said as he closed the door behind him, leaving y/n alone. But before he forgot, he went in the room quickly and kissed his daughter's forehead.

After that, he left once more.

Y/n removed the blankets she was in and bee-lined to her closet. She searched and searched until she finally found it. With a smile, she held out a hat with much happiness. The young vampire stood at the open window and did an extreme trust fall. Luckily, she quickly turned into a bat.

She thanked her dad silently on teaching her on how to transform in such a 'young' age. Y/n flew to a nearby village- actually, it was not-so-nearby but it was the only village that was close to her dad's castle-hotel hybrid.

She transformed into a human and face planted into the dirt ground near a house. Y/n muttered a soft "ow" then proceeded to get up and fix her hat. The girl went in front of the house and in total coincidence, a young boy her age opened the door.

"Hello, how may I help you?" the boy asked. Y/n stuttered and said, "I'm y/n and I want to be friends with you!"

Varian tilted his head, confused as ever. He probably had a lot of questions in his mind like, [1.] Why was she outside when he opened the door? [2.] How did she know he existed? And [3.] Why does she want to be friends with him?

Disregarding his thoughts, he welcomed the girl inside his home. "Alright, then let's be friends!" Y/n smiled widely and entered his home.

Her eyes scanned the living room and let out a "woah" in amazement. "Your house looks amazing!" She complimented, bouncing up and down with stars in her eyes.

Flustered, Varian replied with, "Thanks, my dad decorated it!" "How about your mom? Did she help your dad?" "I haven't seen my mom since I was a baby."

Y/n didn't know that it was a sad topic to talk about so she excitedly replied. "Oh my stars! I haven't seen my mom since I was a baby too! We have so much in common." Varian nodded briefly.

After a couple of hours of games and fun, y/n sadly had to go. It was already 7pm, the time that her dad usually wakes her up. In the middle of their conversation, she looked out the window and hurridly said,

"I need to go, bye! " she said, running to the front door and flying off. As Varian was about to close the door, he saw y/n's hat. He picked it up and kept it. Talk about creepy.

'Surely she'll return for this when she realizes it's lost!' He thought.

Few days later, young Varian was working down in his lab when someone knocked on the door upstairs. He got suspicious and curious at the same time.

"That's weird, dad just left, why would he be back so soon? It's not like I don't like dad being here!" He muttered to no one in particular. He heard the knock again and shouted, "Coming!" from the top of his lungs and ran up the stairs. He opened the front door and saw y/n.

Yours Truly || Varian X Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now