3|| Once Upon a Time

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Shout-out to Animoo88 since she inspired me to do this!

Once upon a time, a Ruby and a Sapphire were lovers. They had great chemistry with each other and had a simple relationship. The couple was practically perfect. They hardly fought! Instead, they would just sit down and talk. Then, a certain blonde  came into their lives but then their relationship slowly went downhill.

Two figures er- gems could be found under a small tree. The younger one's head was on the other's lap. They looked calm and contented while the boy read a book out loud to them.

As Varian combed [Name]'s hair with his fingers while reading, the (color) haired Sapphire started to drift off to dreamland after Varian finished the story. Before they could drift off though, the Ruby started a conversation. Well, he tried to.

"Don't you think it's weird?" The sapphire was puzzled to say the least. In their prediction, they would've drifted off to dreamland by any second now! "What do you mean?"

"I mean, like, here in Corona, it's full of gems that are off colored and everyone's ok with that! It's just so weird and you-" "Me?" "You're not like the other Sapphires! You chose to save a Ruby like me. I mean, we're all the same but you chose to save me that day!"

[Name] sat up from their position and looked at the boy with their eye. "No, you're weird! Well in a good way of course- you can change my predictions without knowing it." They said with adoration in their voice. Both gems blushed at each other's quote unquote, "compliments."

They were awkward when it came to showing affection; their love  was one of a kind that not even words nor actions can show how much they adore each other.

The moment was ruined by a faint sound of yelling could be heard at the bottom of the hill. It shocked Sapphire and alerted Ruby. Both lovers looked down the hill to see Princess Rapunzel. The blonde girl walked towards them.

When she arrived, Varian was genuflecting while [Name] was bowing. They said in unison, "Yes, my Diamond?"

Once upon a time, Varian and [Name] were enemies. They clashed with each other and had a very complicated relationship. They were flawed. They fought about the most serious problems. Both of them didn't sit down and talk. Then, a certain princess tried to fix both of their lives together but it worsened.

Sapphire was sipping their tea silently while Ruby waited. Once they finished her tea, they got straight to the point.

"Stop messing with my predictions, V. The princess would've gotten hurt with the stunt you pulled." [Name] said as they placed her tea cup on the saucer. Varian's blood started to boil. "Well, I'm sorry! It's just that a certain person wouldn't say their predictions out loud and I could've just followed that!" He said with rage.

The (color) haired gem sighed. "You do know I dislike saying my predictions-" "I know that, ok? But why!" Varian said, standing up from his seat with his hands on the table while the Sapphire remained silent.

"Why! Come on, Sapphire, answer me!" He shouted with much venom.. "Just because." Ruby punched a hole on the wall, startling Sapphire. "That's not a good reason." Then, he left.

The princess came in the house of Sapphire after a couple of hours. Sapphire bowed down to her. "Yes, my Diamond?"

Once upon a time, the Ruby needed the Sapphire's help. They denied to tell the future to the Ruby. He got angry at them. They argued and argued until they can't no more. [Name] suggested to sit down and compromise but no, Varian didn't want to. Then, Ruby tried to fix their relationship but it  didn't work out.

After a few weeks after their disagreement, Ruby went to Sapphire's house once again to apologise and ask for help. He knocked on the wooden door of his lover, if you could still call them that. "Hey, Sapphie? I'm sorry for what I did to your wall and for hurting your feelings." He stuttered out. The door opened slightly.

"Alright, I accept your apology." The Ruby silently partied inside his brain. "But, do you swear to not do it again."

Although it was hard to say yes, Varian said it. "Yes, of course! Anything for you, my Sapphire." [Name] giggled quietly. "No need for formalities, V! Come in, I've got some ham sandwiches." Now, the door was wide open for Ruby.

He gladly went inside.

Few hours have past and Varian wanted to ask a question so badly. "Hey, Sapphy?" "Yes?" [Name] said as their nose was stuck into the book they were reading. "What will happen if I decided to kidnap one of the Diamonds?"

Sapphire's head lifted in a speed as fast as lightning. They didn't expect this. "Why would you think of that?" "It's because of Rapunzel. She didn't help me get my dad out of the amber that encased him."

The gem closed their book and looked at Varian straight in the eye. "I told you, Varian, that I don't like telling the future."

Varian rolled his eyes and tried to stay calm. "C'mon, it's just one time! Please!" He said as he hugged the other gem. "Your ways of persuasion won't work on me, Varian." Sapphire said as they escaped from the hug.

The Ruby punched the table near them and shouted, "Why won't you do anything for me but when it comes to Rapunzel you're all like, 'yes, my Diamond?'" He exclaimed as he tried to mimic the voice of the other gem.

"I keep on doing stuff for you-" "And yet, here you are, ignoring your swear a couple of hours ago."

The black haired gem burst into flames and started to shout at the Sapphire. "Please, let's just sit down and talk." [Name] pleaded. It was quite obvious they were frightened of the gem in front of them yet they still tried to keep calm.

"I don't want to!- Just please, tell me the future." He replied desperately. "No, Varian. Even though I love you, I fear that the future might be too much for you!" Sapphire said while just he walked out. When he walked out though, he swore he saw two figures or two [Name]'s in the house. Never mind that, he just looked for a second so maybe it's just in his brain.

"I'll show you all. I won't be kept silent and submissive to the diamonds. I won't work for anyone anymore! [Name], you'll regret not telling me the future. As long as I'm alive, no one's going to hear me say 'yes my diamond.'"

Once upon a time, once upon a time, once upon a time, then came the end.
A certain Sapphire walked up to the throne and curtsied."Yes, my Diamonds?"

(Chapter 3; That Sapphire Was Me) 4/2/21
1165 words

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