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Remus hurried into Grimmauld Place, huffing slightly from the heavy basket and found Sirius sulking in the kitchen. He had been excited to tell the other man. "Sirius! Padfoot!"

"What is it?" Sirius snapped in a terrible mood at not being able to be there for Harry. He felt like a bad Godfather for not being there. He had promised Lily and James to always be there for Harry and he was failing. First Azkaban and then people refusing to believe his innocence.

"I brought the photo." Remus sighed, grabbing his sulking boyfriend into a tight hug and kissing the side of his head after setting the food down on the table. "Now. I need to tell you what Harry is."

"Can I see the photo?" Sirius felt bad for snapping, nuzzling his face into the werewolf's neck. He hated snapping at the other man.

"First off. Harry's a Little." Remus then pulled the photo from his pocket and showed Sirius the picture of Harry in his new outfit. "Harry was so upset at finding out."

"Poor Baby... I want him here." Sirius and Remus were both caregivers. He could tell his boyfriend was sad at Harry being upset.

"Think it's time to get rid of Peter." Remus hummed, finding the charmed fishtank and rapping on the glass with his knuckles. The ugly balding rat squeaked, cowering in the corner.

"Yes." Sirius glared balefully at the tank. His magic sparked around his fingertips. "Take him to Kingsley Shacklebolt."

"I'll owl him and then take him." Remus kissed his lover deeply, holding him tightly to convey that he's never leaving him.

~At the Cup~

Charlie was carrying Harry on his shoulders so the small boy wouldn't get lost as they walked to the arena. Harry rested his chin on the ginger's head, observing from his excellent vantage point and waving at Cedric gleefully. "Charlie! It's Cedric! Look!" He pulled Charlie's hair, giving into his childish urges. He was overly excited.

"I see that. Ouch. Stop pulling, love." Charlie tilted his head forward to free his hair and walked to Cedric. Granted it wasn't the first time his hair had been yanked by an excited child but it hurt.

"Hey there, Harry. Are you having fun?" Cedric gave Harry a bottle of water so the boy wouldn't get dehydrated. He noticed that Harry was roughly the size of an 8 year old but still seemed like he would keep shrinking.

"Mhm! I like my Weasleys!" Harry hugged Charlie's head with his water bottle held tightly, effectively smacking Charlie in the face. "Oh no! 'M sorry, Charlie!"

"It's okay, Harry." Charlie used one hand to rub his smarting nose and then patted Harry's leg. "Let's catch up to the others, yeah?"

"Yeah! Gotta sit by my Ron!" Harry was having the time of his life. Charlie jogged to the rest of the Weasleys and Hermione, following them in and they sat in their seats as Draco Malfoy glowered from next to his father. The blond was only reaching about mid-ribcage on Lucius. He had found he was also a Little, feeling ashamed of it.

They watched the game, Harry grinning as he watched through his omnoculars. His legs swung through the air, watching intently and gasping at the feints.

Afterwards Minister Fudge rested an arm around Harry and introduced him to the Bulgarian Minister, the foreign man grinning at Harry and introducing him to the Bulgarian team. The Bulgarian Minister had a soft spot for Littles, finding them precious and in need of protection.

"And zhis is Viktor Krum. He is a very talented Seeker like you from vhat your minister told me." The minister introduced him to Viktor who put a hand on Harry's head and ruffled his hair. The Bulgarians all treated Littles like they were little royalty.

"Nice to meet you." Krum got called away after he greeted Harry and Charlie picked the boy up to go.

"Thank you for introducing him to them, sir." Charlie shook hands with the foreign dignitary and carried Harry back to the tent for some dinner. He helped Harry cut up his food and got him a drink. Harry of course pouted at being babied but knew arguing would get him scolded, at least in the Dursley's house or he would be hit.

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