Pearl Jam

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("Update." NOPE. I get you like the story but that's hella rude.)

Minerva's hair was in a tighter bun than normal and her robes were made of silk with the McGonagall family crest on the breast. Today was the day that Albus Dumbledore faced trial. She was one of the main witnesses against him in the prosecution's case. A very important witness who was ready to raze a man and his legacy to ashes.

Filius Flitwick had been left in charge of the school and was waiting for news. They had agreed that Minerva should represent the school along with Professor Vector who was well known for her no nonsense attitude and sharp attention to details. They had compiled witness statements, memories and other evidence to present to the Wizengamot.

The two witches met up with Remus and Sirius, the four making their way to their way inside the elevator. They had exhausted themselves for weeks, putting together their court case.

"I'm... Siriusly ready for this to be done with." Sirius punned, trying to lighten the mood. He knew it was an important occasion but the tension wasn't helping anyone.

"That was bad. Even for you." Septima Vector snorted, her long black hair braided and wound into a bun at the base of her neck. She was older than the two Marauders but younger than Minerva.

"I thought it was Siriusly great." Sirius smirked, grunting in pain when Remus' elbow impacted against his ribs. "Remussssss."

"Behave." Remus spoke placidly before the four were led to two separate witness rooms to wait. Minerva and Septima were sequestered in the second witness room as they would be going second.

"If you need anything, just call for Garro." The Auror told each set. He and his partner were in charge of guarding one Witness room and another pair was guarding the other.

~In the courts~

"Really. This is ridiculous." Elphias Doge waved his arms. "Albus Dumbledore has been a pillar of society and a great teacher to several generations."

"Lord Doge, you will be removed if you cannot control your biases." Madam Bones warned. "Madam Longbottom, do you agree?"

"I do." Augusta nodded, staring sternly at Elphias who took his seat with a sulky look. They had called the head Unspeakable to preside over the trial as was custom for Ministers or other officials on trial.

Unspeakable Bode sat in the chair usually reserved for the Supreme Mugwump, sighing deeply. He hated having to take over and be away from his projects, having been investigating the Arch in the Death Room. Bode usually preferred to make his second in command take these things but he knew it was imperative he be there this time.

After all, it wasn't every day that Albus Dumbledore got put on trial. Especially not when one of the people pressing charges was Minerva McGonagall who was well known for being one of Albus' most staunch supporters. Sirius Black and Remus Lupin were not a surprise as it was known Sirius was out for revenge on those who had put him away without a trial.

The trial began without much fanfare after Unspeakable Bode warned that anyone who disturbed the proceedings would have a weekend stay courtesy of Azkaban. Bode had learned a few tricks in his 103 years of being alive. One of those was how to keep a crowded room under control.

Annalise Wood was the scribe for this trial. The scribes were usually Neutrals as they wouldn't be guided by their classifications or distracted by them either. Her slender fingers held an ever sharp and ever filled quill which was specially charmed for trials.

"Scribe, are you ready?" Bode spoke to the young woman in a clear voice, hushing any conversations going on.

"Yes, Head Unspeakable Bode." Annalise nodded, tapping her quill on the parchment to activate the runes that would quick dry her notes and roll the parchment once it was finished. She had been in trials before but not one of such great importance.

"We will now begin this trial of Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore on the date February 1st in the year 1995." Bode intoned solemnly. He sat back down after requesting the list of charges be read.

"689 counts of child endangerment, 234 counts of reckless endangerment, failure to provide ward upkeep, failure to notify Aurors of criminal activities and criminal suspects on school grounds." The prosecution started reading the list but had to pause to take a breath. "Failure to investigate reports of staff abusing students, failure to remove minors from unsafe home conditions, theft of School funds, theft of Family Artifacts, Theft of Family Vaults through means of coercion, illegal use of the Obliviation spell, illegal use of Veritaserum. Failure to properly secure dangerous artifacts, illegal placement of one Harry James Potter, illegal use of Harry James Potter's Wizengamot seats." On and on went the list until it ended with "Failure to reapply for Apparation license by the date listed on your notice from the Magical Transportation Department."

Chadwick Shacklebolt was amused and had to cover a laugh with a cough. That last one had a touch of his grand-nephew in it. Kingsley was very by the rule book when it suited him.

"Thank you, Mister Gosling." Unspeakable Bode honestly felt a bit bad for the lawyer who looked a bit red in the face from reading the large list. He knew the court case was going to drag on for quite awhile as the evidence was exhibited.

(I chose those numbers based on how many students were at Hogwarts since the year Harry started plus the guest students and the adults who visit)

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