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Sirius was sitting at a piano in the music room, absentmindedly playing through a song he had learned as a small boy. He had been taught to play various instruments as a way to one up other Pureblood heirs and to impress prospective matches. He had enjoyed learning the piano the most though and had kept up with it.

The man swayed slightly, humming softly as he played the grand instrument. He was simply basking in the ability to do things he liked. His eyes closed for a moment, playing without looking as he reminisced about playing the piano for Remus when they had started dating. The Lord Black had also played for Harry when the boy had been a baby.

Remus stood in the doorway, watching his mate play the piano. His heart clenched as he felt like he was intruding on a private moment. He turned to go but paused when he heard Sirius say his name.

"Remus." Sirius' voice was soft but clear, carrying through the room. It was designed to make the sound of the music carry. It had great acoustics.

"Yes, love?" Remus moved closer and touched his lover's cheek. His large hands cupped Sirius' face gently. He relished in not feeling sharp edges of bones like he had after Sirius had first escaped.

"I love you." Sirius leaned into Remus' touch and closed his eyes. "I'm so grateful for you every day."

"I love you too. I'm thankful you were given back to me." Remus kissed Sirius' forehead. "You and Harry are my world."

The Little was currently napping, worn out still. He was snuggling a stuffed stag close though. The stag was a replica of the one that had been in his crib as a baby.


"Why are you taking me from Hogwarts?" Draco looked at Lucius, confused. He hadn't been told where Severus was yet. "Where is Papa Severus?"

"He's been taken to Azkaban." Lucius was clutching Draco close. "Lupin and Black pressed charges against him."

"He's in prison?" Draco's voice trembled, silver eyes huge. "When was he arrested?"

"A week ago." Lucius whispered, rocking Draco. He couldn't help himself. Draco was his precious baby.

"And you didn't tell me?!" Draco shoved at his Father angrily.

"I was processing it!" Lucius yelled. He hadn't been able to stop himself. He felt terrible when he saw the look of fear cross Draco's face and the tears welling up in the Little's eyes. "Shh. I'm sorry. Don't cry, love."

"I don't want you! I hate you!" Draco screamed, writhing until he was on the floor and ran off to where he knew Blaise and Theo were. He had been told that they would be bringing him home. He flung himself in Theo's arms for the first time since the caregiver had spanked him.

"Woah. What's wrong?" Theo was surprised. He tucked Draco close though, feeling the desperate way the Little burrowed against him. He couldn't understand Draco's garbled words, sobs interrupting the little blond.

'Severus was taken to Azkaban.' Blaise had understood that much. He had whispered the words in Theo's ear.

"Oh, baby." Theo frowned, kissing the top of Draco's head. He was murmuring soothingly to his Little, rubbing his back too. It took half an hour for the Little Blond to cry himself to sleep. "What do we do?"

"We comfort him as much as we can." Blaise looked tired. His indigo eyes were locked on Draco's sleeping form, watching for any signs of unease. "We aren't going anywhere until he tells us to go."

"Nope, we aren't. He needs us." Theo sighed, tucking a blanket over Draco. He had felt the Little shiver in his sleep. "It killed me to hear him cry. I just want to hide him from the world and keep him safe."

"I know you do." Blaise pressed his forehead to Theo's shoulder. "I feel the same way."

"It scares me how much I care about him." Theo admitted. "I'm not used to having other people to care about."

"He loves you." Blaise cupped the back of Draco's head gently, feeling the soft blond hair. He heard the Little sigh in his sleep.

"I love him." Theo felt a bit raw. He didn't talk about his feelings this much. He lapsed into silence, just watching Draco sleep. He could feel Blaise's eyes focused on him. The gaze felt heavy like lead.

Blaise wondered if Theo really understood how much Draco loved him. The Little had even called Theo Mama when the other boy wasn't around. Blaise didn't know that Draco considered him his Daddy though. It had been said once while Millicent and Viola were babysitting.

(This was gonna be longer but I'm splitting part off)

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