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"We have transfiguration first." Hermione checked hers and Harry's schedules, Neville carrying the Little for her.

"Oh good." Neville chuckled, shifting Harry carefully and watching the Little peer around curiously from his arms.

"We go see Professor Minnie?" Harry sounded hopeful. He wanted to see the stern witch.

"Yes, Harry. We're going to have Transfiguration with Professor McGonagall." Hermione confirmed as they entered the classroom. She had Neville sit with her at one of the special desks. It had a raised, cushioned chair for the Little and two normal chairs for the caregiver and another person.

Harry saw the familiar animagus on the desk and waved excitedly. "Hi!"

Professor Mcgonagall changed back and approached. "Hello, Harry. Now, remember not to speak out of turn. I don't want to have to not give you a star."

"I be good. Promise." Harry said it as solemnly as a little boy could. "Can be quiet."

"Good. I believe in you." Professor Mcgonagall ruffled Harry's hair and went back to her desk. She was Neutral with Caregiver tendencies.

~Back at Grimmauld~

"I miss him." Sirius griped, looking at Remus with a pouty expression. He wanted Harry home right that instant.

"It's only been like two days." Remus looked at his boyfriend fondly. "We'll see him Friday night."

"That's too far away." The Grim animagus whined, pacing around the room.

"It's like four days away. Calm down." Remus chuckled, using magic to summon Sirius to him. He trapped the dark haired man in his lap and kissed him, licking into his mouth eagerly. The werewolf knew a good way to distract Sirius was to rile him up in a different way.

~Back at school, lunch time~

"No wan." Harry fussed grumpily, pushing at Hermione. He didn't want her. He cried for George as soon as he saw him. "Georgie! Georgie!"

"C'mere, little brother. What's the matter?" The ginger scooped Harry up from Hermione's unresisting arms. He sat at the table with Harry held close, rocking the Little a bit.

"No wan' Mione. Mione mean." Harry sobbed, overtired and in desperate need of a nap. He rubbed his cheek on George's chest.

"What did that Mione do to you, Harry?" George played along, grabbing a bottle of water that appeared next to his plate.

"Said I need nap!" Harry sounded adorably outraged. He was clutching at George's robes tightly.

"That naughty girl. Maybe Mione needs a nap and not Harry." Fred had just sat down by them.

"Uh huh, Freddie!" Harry nodded several times, pleased they saw it his way. He noticed the bottle in George's hand and reached for it, latching on immediately once it was by his mouth. He drank vigorously, holding onto George's wrist as the red head held the bottle.

"Slow down, love. You'll get an icky belly drinking that fast." George pulled the bottle free and heard Harry whimper.

"Harry, they have lots of fruits." Hermione distracted the little, filling a bowl with the Little's favorite fruits. She helped George feed him and then looked amused as Fred took the Little off to change him.

"He does need a nap." George chuckled once Harry was far enough away that he couldn't hear them.

"Oh definitely. And it's either you or Fred that has to watch him. I have potions and all Littles are required to take at least one nap a day." Hermione hummed. "We need to work a schedule on who has him when. Because he's not allowed in Potions or Defense or in most of the greenhouses for herbology."

"True." George pulled out his Timetable and Fred's too. Hermione pulled out her own and they started comparing. "Well, I have a free period next. So Mondays I take him after lunch. You take him for the morning."

"We'll work on it tonight. I need to get going so I'm not late. Here's his bag." Hermione passed over the school bag for Harry as Fred had the diaper bag. She hurried off to get to the dungeons.

"Mione go to class?" Fred set Harry back into George's lap. The Little fussed a bit at being moved but was distracted with more of his favorite foods.

"Yep. We started the schedule for who has Harry." George rocked Harry gently against him once the Little finished eating.

"Take him to go lay down." Fred had a class. The twins weren't allowed to have too many free periods together anymore. The red head wandered off to class.

"Just you and me, Harrykins." George murmured, standing and walking off with the two bags shrunk in his pocket. He opted to go to their dorm rather than one of the designated nap rooms for Littles. He undressed Harry and himself, the Little entirely asleep already.

George set an alarm and laid down, Harry on his chest and let himself also fall asleep. Who said only Littles could nap?

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