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Harry blinked, cuddling into his two caregivers early the next morning and listening to their steady breathing. He had woken up early for some reason that he didn't understand until he moved and realized he was wet. The young boy gasped, shifting and attempting to climb over Remus to get to the bathroom to clean up the evidence even though the sheet was soaked beneath him.

"Pup?" Remus's tired voice spoke softly, making him freeze and the werewolf opened his eyes. Remus had received a knee to the ribcage. "What's wrong?"

"I'm Wet!" Harry wailed, burying his face into a pillow and sobbing in embarrassment. His mind currently was that of 14 year old Harry and not his Little self so he was doubly ashamed.

"Oh Harry." Remus sat up, tugging the boy in his lap and rocking him slowly. "It was just an accident. Shh. It was just an Accident. You didn't mean to. Your body is going through so many changes." He soothed, taking Harry to the bathroom and running a bath for him. He tipped in some bubble bath and then some of the oils that would make Harry's skin even softer.

"M big!" Harry protested as he was washed thoroughly. He didn't like that he was being washed like a baby. It was a blow to his pride and his dignity.

"Harry, you being a Little means we get you used to being cared for. So let me do this." Remus was massaging the sweet smelling shampoo into Harry's hair with a gentle touch. He was rather enjoying getting to bathe and care for the Little.

"I won't be able to have kids, will I?" Harry frowned with a sad look. He didn't want the Potter Line to end with him. It felt like he was failing his family.

"You could with an artificial insemination using a special potion. You could use a surrogate to carry your child and continue your bloodline. If I recall correctly, it needs a bit of blood and a bit of your magic freely given during the creation." Remus hummed. "I could talk to one of my friends from America if you want."

"Can it wait though?" Harry bit his lip, tilting his head back into Remus's hands and enjoying the gentle scratch of Remus's nails on his scalp. He didn't want to think about it anymore.

"Of course." Remus promised, tilting Harry's head back more and rinsed the shampoo out before pouring a handful of conditioner into Harry's curls. "You know. You might have your father's messy hair but the texture is similar to Lily's."

"Really?" Harry was slowly sinking back into Little-space, a warm haze taking over his mind as he was rinsed of all soaps and conditioners. He reacted with a soft whine as he was taken from the warm water before being wrapped in a warm towel. The Little ended up being cradled to the werewolf's chest.

"I love you, Harry." Remus murmured, kissing his forehead before bringing Harry back to the bedroom where Sirius was remaking the bed with fresh sheets.

"He okay?" Sirius murmured while looking at the little boy who was playing with Remus's shirt. He had woken up thanks to the smell of urine. He knew it wouldn't be the last time either but it did not bother him at all.

"He was Big for a bit but went under while in the bath. He was very upset for wetting the bed." Remus whispered, drying Harry and putting a cloth diaper on him and then some cute clothing that he had owl ordered for quick delivery last night with Sirius paying for it despite Remus protesting a bit. Sirius had won the squabble by pointing out that he wanted to get Harry cute things too.

"Poor kid. He's gonna have a rough transition." Sirius sighed, looking pleased as Harry's face split into a huge grin at the sight of him. "Hey there, Bambi. You happy to see me?"

"Daddy." Harry crawled into Sirius's lap, leaning into the older man and resting his head on Sirius's chest. His thumb made its way into his mouth and he sucked on it, resting his eyes closed.

"Are you still tired, hm?" Sirius exchanged a look with Remus again, silently asking what he should do. He didn't want to mess up already.

"Harry, love. Thumb out." Remus chided gently, holding a brand new pacifier and prodding it into Harry's mouth once the thumb was out. "Go back to sleep, Love. It's okay."
The clothes were soft fabrics anyways and would be decently comfortable to be slept in.

"Nigh' nigh'." Harry mumbled around the pacifier and went to sleep, Sirius having used a drying and detangling spell on Harry's hair before stripping off his own shirt to give Harry skin contact.

"Our boy is so tired." Sirius yawned, leaning back against the pillows. He was also very tired. The two Caregivers had stayed up late to talk about their plans.

"It's only 5:30, Sirius. We can go back to bed." Remus agreed, cuddling close to his mate and their pup to sleep for a bit longer.

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