Loretta Lynn

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~Three weeks later~

It was finally time for the witnesses. Auror Jeremiah Worthington escorted Lord Sirius Black in. "Lord Sirius Orion Black for court case number 103181. Witness for the prosecution."

"Thank you for coming, Lord Black." Mr. Gosling spoke politely once Sirius was seated in the chair for the witness.

"James would be so disappointed in you, Sirius my boy." Dumbledore spoke against his counsel's advice. He believed he knew best.

"Silence, Mr. Dumbledore. Do not speak to the witness." Bode ordered sternly. "If you continue to do so, you will have a silencing charm applied. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Head Unspeakable Bode." Dumbledore nodded, feeling aggravated at being chastised like a child. He sat back with his hands placed on his lap, watching the proceedings while trying to keep up his grandfatherly appearance.

Sirius answered a few questions and then launched into the story that the prosecution hoped would cement their victory. The story told of being in the Order of the Phoenix, of their missions (both legal and illegal), Dumbledore's orders of non-lethal spells only which had gotten quite a few of them killed/injured, of Dumbledore having Hagrid illegally taking Harry from Sirius to give him to the Dursleys. Sirius had had to pause, voice thick with emotion as he tried to describe what had been done to Harry under the Dursley's "care". He told how Harry had told Dumbledore of the abuse and neglect and that Harry had been told he was exaggerating. That Harry had to stay at the Dursley's for the greater good.

"Head Unspeakable Bode, may we take a recess so the witness may collect himself?" Albus' counsel felt bad for Sirius. Poor Herman Keinfeld was the low man on the hierarchy of public defenders. The former headmaster had attempted to represent himself but had been shot down quite thoroughly.

"Court will recess for 15 minutes." Bode boomed out, banging the gavel. Honestly the gavel was his favorite part of having to do tbe court cases. He turned and stretched, holding his groans in until he went in the chambers to the side for whoever led the Court for that case. He wanted a strong drink right about now but he knew he needed a clear head.

Sirius half collapsed into Remus's arms, crying against his mate's shoulder. It had torn him up to have to talk about finding James and Lily dead then about Harry being taken. He had nearly died while talking about what Harry went through at the Dursley's house. It mad equal parts enraged and saddened him that someone had hurt that precious boy.

Remus held Sirius tight, coaxing him into drinking some water. "I know, Sirius. It's hard but we need to help them. We can help right the wrongs done over the years."

"I know." Sirius wiped his eyes. He hadn't realized how badly he had needed to get all of that out. It made him feel lighter in a way. "Thank you."

"Any time. You know that." Remus kissed his mate softly, providing an outlet for any leftover tension. His forest green eyes took in the blue eyes that still looked beautiful to him even with tears in them.

"Lord Black? Are you ready?" Auror Worthington was back. He stayed at the door though, seeing the protective set to Lupin's body.

"Yes. I'm ready." Sirius took a deep breath and followed Jeremiah back to the chamber. He retook the witness seat and began answering questions from the prosecution. He hated the cross examination but kept his tone polite for the most part.

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