The Who

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Draco screamed, jolting awake from a nightmare. His whole body trembled, covered in sweat and an unpleasant dampness around his groin area.

Theo hurried in, looking tired and scooped Draco up. "Shh, shh. Theo is here."

"T'eo!" Draco sobbed, teetering on the edge of Littlespace. He was so close to tipping over but something was holding him back.

"It's okay, Baby. You can drop." Theo spoke firmly but soothingly. He had read that sometimes Littles needed to have permission to drop.

It felt like a coil springing loose inside of Draco and he fell over the edge of his headspace and deep into Little-Space. The small blond clung tightly to his caregiver, sobbing into the taller male's shoulder. He panicked as he was laid down, making pitiful noises as he was changed and wiped down.

"I'm here. Shh. I'm right here." Theo picked him back up, rocking the blond. He had never seen Draco so distraught. The brunet walked through the nursery and took him to the living room. He sat on the couch and let Draco cry while reassuring that he was safe and no one could get him. He kissed the Little's head, murmuring softly in his ear.

Blaise came out of his bedroom, rubbing his eyes and sat by them. "What happened, Dragon?"

"Bad dream!" Draco wailed, sobs renewing at the sight of his other caregiver. He had been calming down but it had reminded him of his bad dream.

"It's okay, little love. We're here. No one can get past us." Blaise soothed, summoning lotion and starting to rub Draco's feet and legs with it. He worked around Theo's arms as Draco wouldn't let go of the other caregiver.

"Wonder what he dreamt about." Theo spoke a little over an hour later, Draco sleeping peacefully on his chest.

"Who knows? Hopefully he sleeps the rest of the night through." Blaise set aside the empty bottle. He had made it and given it to Theo for Draco to drink. It had also contained a dreamless sleep potion and the Little had drank the whole thing down.

"Yeah..." Theo looked pensive. He was thinking hard at the moment.

"What's wrong?" Blaise frowned. He was worried about his best friend.

"Scared me so much when I heard him scream and cry." Theo's eyes were a bit wet. "I thought someone had managed to get in and was hurting him."

"No one can get in without us knowing." Blaise soothed. "I have spells on the door that alert if someone uninvited tries to come in."

Theo looked relieved before hiding his face in Draco's hair. He couldn't stand the thought of someone hurting Draco or Blaise. They were very important to him.

"Let's go back to bed." Blaise suggested, rubbing Theo's shoulder. He guided Theo to the other male's room and tucked him and Draco in. He silently cast a spell to alert him if either of them had a nightmare before going back to bed.


Theo gently shushed Draco when the blond whined at being set down so Theo could use the bathroom. The Little had been clingy to Theo ever since they woke up. Theo was grateful that it was Saturday and that he didn't have to try and play the pass off game with Blaise. The caregiver used the toilet, washed his hands with Draco attached to his leg and then picked the Little up.

"T'eo hold!" Draco clung tightly to Theo's neck again. He felt like he needed to be close to the boy with light brown hair.

"Theo has you, baby." Theo soothed, rubbing Draco's back and took him to the living room. Blaise had had an elf bring them breakfast in their apartment. Theo sat down and started feeding Draco from a plate that Blaise had handed him. He was secretly thrilled at Draco being so attached to him while Little, it was a sign of trust.

"Wanna come by Blaise?" Blaise reached to take Draco from Theo's lap. That earned him a highpitched scream from the Little who burrowed against Theo frantically.

"He won't take you, love. Shh. It's okay." Theo rocked Draco, giving Blaise a dirty look for making Draco upset. "Won't let anyone else hold you if you don't want."

"Only T'eo hold." Draco sniffled. He was very whiny and emotional at the moment.

"Only Theo." Blaise put his hands up. He was willing to do anything necessary for Draco to remain secure. He watched Theo maneuver around Draco to eat, the Little blond just curled up to Theo's chest. It was a messy start to the year but this was their first year having a Little. Things would smooth out hopefully.

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